This program is a great starting point for any male who wants to maximize fat loss while retaining or increasing lean muscle.
Lean Out 2 capsules with each meal or shake
Super Pak w/ breakfast
ADVANCED – for advanced fat loss and muscle retention add:
7-Keto MuscLean 3 capsules twice daily – morning and mid afternoon
Density 3 tablets with each meal or shake
COMPREHENSIVE – to retain and build muscle while on a maximum fat loss diet
Creatine Select - load with 4 scoops per day for 5 days, then 1 scoop daily
Glutamine Select mix 2 scoops in 16oz water, sip before or throughout training sessions
* If 35 or older Quadracarn should go to the top of your supplement priorities – 3 tablets, three times daily
Optional Pre-Workout - Up-Lift –2 scoops before training for pump, focus, utilization of stored fat for energy, and increased strength
Meal #1
8oz lean beef or turkey
3 egg whites, 1 yolk
1 grapefruit
Meal #2
Protein Drink: 2 scoops UMP, 1 tbsp healthy fat (olive oil, flax oil, almond butter) or 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream
Meal #3
8oz chicken or turkey breast (weighed prior to cooking)
2 cups vegetables
Meal #4
Protein Drink: 2 scoops UMP or Muscle Provider, 1 tbsp healthy fat (olive oil, flax oil, almond butter) or 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream, add enough water to make a shake or pudding the consistency you desire.
Whole Food Option: 6oz can tuna or 5oz chicken; 3 egg whites, 1 whole egg; 1 tomato
Meal #5
10oz lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish, 93% or leaner beef, etc.)
4 cups salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, green peppers, etc.)
2 tbsp vinegar and oil dressing
Monday and Thursday: As a 6th meal: 1½ cups oatmeal (precooked) or cooked rice, 10oz sweet potato, medium banana, 1 cup vegetables, 1 tbsp butter, almond butter or oil at the end of the day.