NoNonsense 2019-2018 Collection

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Fit Figure / Bikini

Fit 45 (Women 45+)

Nutrition and Supplement Plans for Women

Men's Bodybuilding / Classic Physique / Physique

Mature Muscle (Men 40+)

Nutrition and Supplement Plans for Men

Workouts to Gain Muscle

Supplement Secrets


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Success Stories – Workouts – Diet – Figure – Bikini – Natural Bodybuilding


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Beverly International products have been trusted by Natural athletes and Bodybuilders for over 50 years. The Brand was Born in 1967 in southern California. Roger & Sandy Riedinger acquired the company in 1998 and moved it to Cold Spring Ky.

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Doug DeRuyter and Class Physique A Perfect Match

Photo Credit: Jeff Robinson

At a Glance: Doug DeRuyter

Age: 42

Occupation: Elementary Physical Education Teacher

Family: Wife, Tracy and 3 kids, Jake, Owen, and Ella. Their support is endless and appreciated!!

Residence: Caledonia, MI

Years Training: 23

Height: 6’2”
Weight: Off-season 230-235
Contest: 218-220

Favorite Bodybuilding Meal: 10 oz. lean steak, 1 cup jasmine rice, mushrooms, spinach, and tomatoes sautéed together.

Favorite Supplements: UMP, Mass Aminos, and Ultra 40 – I stay relatively lean year round so it’s vital for me to retain my muscle mass. I take 5 Mass Aminos and 5 Ultra 40 pre workout and post workout with my Muscle Provider as well with my other 6 meals. That’s right, 35 of each every day. I truly believe this combination not only helped me retain, but also build muscle and strength during contest prep!

Music: Country

Most Inspiring Book:The Carpenter, by Jon Gordon

Words to Live by: Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do! -Pele

First started lifting weights

I have been into sports and fitness my entire life! I grew up playing nearly every sport imaginable, was a high school athlete and was even recruited to run college track. Even to this day, as an elementary physical education teacher, I am teaching the importance of physical fitness and trying to set a good example for my students to follow!

I was a tall and skinny 160-lb sophomore in college when I first started lifting weights. Even though I had always wanted to be stronger and more muscular, I was intimidated by the gym. Fortunately, my roommate had a lot more knowledge than I did in that area and invited me to work out with him. I was reluctant at first, but it soon became part of my weekly routine. Slowly, I began gaining some muscular weight and strength. I found that I was beginning to love weight training! As my knowledge of proper training techniques and nutrition grew, that love continued to grow into a passion and lifestyle!

In 2002 I decided to compete in a couple of local bodybuilding shows. I ended up doing very well, taking the overall novice in one show and first in my class at the second show. I competed again in 2003; taking the overall open at one show and had two other first place finishes. I took a few years off from competing and then competed again in 2007. That’s when I decided to enter my first NPC show. I knew that I would have to come in better than ever. That’s when Beverly supplements became a huge part of my contest prep and daily training!

I came across Beverly supplements simply through research and decided to give them a try! I was impressed that they had been around for decades as well as the quality of their products! Like most people, I too have tried many different brands of supplements. I have bought into the hype of a fancy advertisement or label, but the end results were pretty much the same - minimal results. I now use only Beverly supplements because they truly give me unmatched consistent results! For my first NPC show, I used Mass Aminos, Ultra 40, Creatine Select, Glutamine Select, Super Pak, and UMP. I competed in the heavyweight division. Even though I was the lightest of the heavyweights, I still came in first place! I honestly believe that the Beverly Supplements gave me an edge in physique quality which the other competitors could not match.

As our family grew, I decided it was time to stop competing. I continued to train hard and eat clean. I started doing personal and group training beside my work as a physical education teacher. I enjoy being able to share my love of fitness with others and motivate them to meet their fitness goals!

10 Years Later

The love of competing had never left and I was getting the “itch” to compete again. Being as tall as I am, 6’ 2”, and a hard gainer, I would classify myself as an ecto/mesomorph. Because of this, I started researching a new class in bodybuilding called Classic Physique. I felt with my conditioning and body style, broader shoulders and narrow waist, I would fit into this category much better than traditional bodybuilding. So in 2017 I decided to compete again in Classic Physique! Once again, without a question, I knew that Beverly supplements would be a huge part of my contest prep. I knew what products work for me as well as the results I could expect! I once again, used Mass Aminos, Ultra 40, Super Pak, Creatine Select, Up-Lift, UMP, and Muscle Provider. I had been using Quadracarn as part of my daily supplementation, and continued using this as well.

I entered the NPC Central States show in Ypsilanti, MI and won my class, overall masters, and overall classic physique! A few weeks later, I competed in the NPC Western Michigan Bodybuilding Championships. There I won the overall Masters and also won the open class C category! Both of these shows were national qualifiers, which now meant I could compete at a national show. Honestly, I never thought I would be competing at the national level, but with my recent success, I decided I would compete at the 2018 Teen, Collegiate, and Masters Nationals in Pittsburgh. I had eight months to prepare! I continued my exclusive Beverly only supplement plan trying to add as much lean muscle as I could, while keeping my diet relatively clean and strict.

My show prep for Masters Nationals was 14 weeks long. I felt I came into this show looking the best I ever have looked! I knew a clean diet and hard work in the gym were two huge factors, but again, I can honestly say the continued, and consistent use of Beverly supplements was also a major factor!

I wasn’t sure what to expect competing in my first national show! And boy, was I amazed at the number of quality competitors! National shows can have over 1000 total competitors, all bringing their best! I competed in the 40 and over age group in Classic Physique. Because of the high number of entries, I was in Class D; this was the height class with the tallest competitors. I was up against some quality competition! I ended up taking 4th place in class D, which was just 2 places away from earning my IFBB pro card!

I was extremely proud of what I had accomplished in my first national level show! However, being a competitive person, I know there is always room for improvement! So I will continue to train hard, eat quality meals throughout the day and continue to use Beverly supplements to reach that goal of earning my pro card!

Here’s a look at my nutrition and training programs at 8 weeks out from the contest:

Diet and Beverly Supplements 8 Weeks Out

Train at 5 AM: 1 ½ scoops Creatine Select, 1 scoop Up-Lift, 5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40, 3 Quadracarn

Meal 1: (Post Workout) 1 scoop Muscle Provider for fast acting recovery and 1 scoop UMP for time released sustained recovery, 5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40

Meal 2: 4oz Cream of Wheat, 6oz extra lean ground beef, 2 eggs, 1 cup egg whites, spinach and mushrooms.
Super Pak, 5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40

Meal 3: 9oz cod, 1 cup jasmine rice, 1 cup broccoli.
5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40, 3 Quadracarn

Meal 4: 8oz chicken breast, 1 cup jasmine rice, 1 cup asparagus
5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40

Meal 5: 8oz turkey tenderloin, 6oz sweet potato, 1 cup broccoli
5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40

Meal 6: 10oz lean steak, 1 cup jasmine rice, mushrooms, tomatoes, and spinach sautéed together.
5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40, 3 Quadracarn

Meal 7: 2 scoops UMP made into pudding or 10oz cod and asparagus
5 Mass Aminos, 5 Ultra 40

Training and Cardio

Monday: Chest, Biceps, Abs plus 25 minutes of stair stepper

Exercises Sets Reps
Incline DB Press 4 8-15
Machine Press 4 10-15
Standing Flye 4 15-20
BB Curl 4 10-15
Seated Concentration Curl 4 10-15
Various Ab Exercises 12 15-20

Tuesday: Back, Triceps, 25 minutes of stair stepper

Exercises Sets Reps
Incline DB Press 4 8-15
Pull-ups 4 10-12
Bent-over Rows 4 8-15
Pulldowns 4 8-15
Single-arm Hammer Row 4 8-12
Tricep Dips 4 20
Cable Pushdowns 4 15-20

Wednesday: Legs (emphasize quads), Abs

Exercises Sets Reps
Squats 5 8-15
Leg Press 4 10-15
DB Front Squat 4 10-15
Leg Extension 4 15-20
Various Ab Exercises 12 15-20

Thursday: Shoulders, Calves, 25 minutes of stair stepper

Exercises Sets Reps
Seated DB Press 4 8-15
Standing Lateral Raise 4 10-15
Cable Face Pulls 4 15-20
Hammer Shoulder Press 3 8-12
Cable Laterals (superset) 3 10-15
DB Bent Lateral (superset) 3 10-15
Various Calf Exercises 12 15-20

Friday: Chest, Biceps, Triceps, Abs

Exercises Sets Reps
Smith Incline Press 4 8-15
Flat DB Press 4 8-12
DB Flye 4 10-15
DB Curl 4 10-15
Cable Curl 4 10-15
Lying Tricep Extension 4 10-15
Hammer Tricep Dips 4 15-20
Various Ab Exercises 12 15-20

Saturday: Legs (emphasize hamstrings), 25 min. of stair stepper

Exercises Sets Reps
Stiff-leg Deadlift 4 8-12
Reverse Hack Squat 4 12-15
Lying Leg Curl 4 12-15
Standing Cable Curl 4 12-15

Sunday: Off

Swolemates at the Gym and Trophies on the Stage

Photo Credit: Will Edwards

At a Glance: Sharlyn Hampton

Age: 40

Occupation: Chicago Police Department and Personal Trainer

Current Residence: Chicago, IL

Years Training: 13

Height: 5′ 5″

Weight: (Off-Season) 140 lbs, (Contest) 135 lbs

Favorite Fitness Meal: UMP protein pancakes. The pancakes taste great with every flavor of Beverly UMP protein. I prepare them for breakfast as well as an on the go snack. Hot or cold it’s a perfect replacement meal.

Favorite Supplements: Graham Cracker UMP- I use it for anything from shakes to making protein muffins. I also enjoy the Glutamine Select during my workouts.

What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly supplements before? I’ve sampled various protein powder supplements and Beverly UMP has been the best. The flavors taste great and UMP blends very well with fruit and oats.

Music: Classic R&B.

Most Inspiring Book: Love Addiction.

Hobby or Interests outside bodybuilding: Because of my midwestern United States and Turkish roots, I enjoy trying new foods. I am passionate about bodybuilding so when I’m not working out, I’m helping someone else achieve their fitness goal. I enjoy spending time at home, watching movies, and binge watching Netflix. Spending time with family and friends is essential.

Words to live by: YOU vs YOU. Everything we do begins and ends with how we start our day. The mental mindset that we initiate and continue to maintain, is the foundation of the goal that we want to accomplish. It starts with YOU and ends with YOU..

Creating the best physique

What are the greatest things you have to overcome to be a champion? Training harder? Avoiding the sweet foods you crave? Living the right athletic mindset? Rather than focusing on the things she has been forced to go without, or her daily life challenges, for IFBB Pro Sharlyn Hampton, becoming a champion is simply an effect of going for what she hard, eating properly, consuming the best nutrition supplements, posing artistically onstage, and creating the best physique possible.

While her win at the NPC Universe (capturing the open class and the masters 35-and-over) gave her a pro card, her densely-built, aesthetically-shaped, athletically beautiful female physique was a primary goal in her life.

Background: basketball stress reliever

Sharlyn was born a military brat in Germany, where her father worked in the Army. Later in life, she spent much of her time in the St. Louis, MO area, where her father’s family is based. Her father always took her older brother to compete in sports. One summer, he noticed girls playing basketball and had her join up. Basketball and soccer became regular sports that she competed in, playing basketball all the way into college. She was introduced to lifting weights by her high school basketball coach, Theresa Humble. From her freshman year on, she was hooked on weight lifting.

After studying exercise, nutrition and health sciences at Chicago’s Robert Morris University, Sharlyn worked as a government contractor in Iraq for three years. She was a supervisor for a contracting company called KBR (Brown & Root Industrial Services) in morale, welfare and recreation. This included working in the gyms and rec centers that the soldiers used for training. While she enjoyed helping soldiers with lifting, there was another aspect of her job that was very stressful. Over the three years she was employed there, attacks with explosives were launched numerous times on the facilities. She consistently had to run from her bunker to nearby safety zones. “There were some soldiers that I would see on a regular basis in the gym and they would go outside of the wire and some of them would not come back.” This was very important work, but difficult to handle for long periods. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) was a concern which she realized after leaving that job and returning to Chicago. “In the morning, I would wake–up and just automatically roll underneath my bed. That was one of the things we did regularly in Iraq when we’d hear a loud noise indicating that our base was being hit and there was not enough time to get down to the bunker.”

Sharlyn worked as a personal trainer while going through the training and hiring process to join the police department. The gym always helped her to relax her mind and soul. She still works part–time as a personal trainer and her own gym time is a major part of her life. “The gym is an area which is totally in my control. Certain situations I have been in as a police officer or my work overseas were not always under my control. Bodybuilding is just something I am completely in control of and a stress reliever.”

Entering Bodybuilding Competition

It was around 2006 that Sharlyn was pulled into the contest prep world. “When I became a personal trainer, about 4–5 of the other trainers were competing in bodybuilding and I just jumped on the bandwagon.” Her first contest (of about nine shows) was in the lightweight bodybuilding category at the NPC Caveman Classic in St. Louis, which she won. This was followed by another victory at the NPC Illinois show.

After taking a few years off from competing, she entered the 2012 NPC Muscle Heat in Greensboro, North Carolina. It was her first time in the new Women’s Physique division, and she won the overall! She took off a few more years in order to go through the academy training for her new police career, but returned and took 2nd place in Physique at the 2016 Chicago Wings of Strength Extravaganza.

“Later that year, I went into a national show and didn’t do that well,” says Sharlyn. ”I entered the Women’s Physique category and a couple of the judges told me, ’I know you have a bodybuilder’s mentality, but you definitely have a figure girl’s body. If you’d stepped onstage as a figure girl, you would have had a pro card years ago.’” While the bodybuilding and women’s physique divisions motivated her, she realizes that going into bodybuilding instead of figure with her build “was like taking a knife to a gun show.”

Sharlyn jumped into three figure contests this year. The first one was an overall victory at the NPC Michigan. A week later she hit third place in the NPC Junior Nationals. A week after that was when she captured her pro card at the NPC Universe with multiple class wins, including the overall in the over–40 class. “The thing I liked most was that I was in the open class with the younger girls and I won my class there too. Winning was absolutely amazing. It was almost like an out–of–body experience. The competitors made it so amazing back stage – everyone helping one other.”

She felt she had finally reached her best condition. Trainer Shelby Starnes jumped in to assist her just a few weeks before these three contests. “The difference Shelby made was he had me eating a lot more carbs than before. I would send him my morning pictures and he would tell me to eat more carbs. Your body can take more carbs. Keep eating!” This helped her have the slightly more “rounded” look required for high level figure competition.

In 2019, Sharlyn Hampton plans to enter her hometown’s Wings of Strength Chicago Pro for her pro debut. I also had to ask what her lifetime bodybuilding goal will be. “I want to step on the Olympia stage in Vegas. That might be a far out dream considering I am in my 40s, but I want to give it a try and go for it anyways, and see how I fare. I would love to be able to say I put my pinky toe on that Olympia stage in Vegas.”


Years ago, one of her gym friends told her about Beverly International. “He told me their brand had the highest quality out there. I had tried many other companies’ proteins and was always turned off by the taste and chalky feel. UMP was not like this at all. It tasted really good and mixed easily as a shake or pudding. I grew up on homemade pudding and was thrilled when I discovered I could mix UMP with a little water and make a delicious pudding. I like chocolate and the graham cracker flavor is really good, too!”

Lean Out and 7-Keto MuscLean are my two must-have’s during my fat cutting phase for competition. I take 7-Keto MuscLean thirty minutes before my fasted cardio session upon waking, and again 30 minutes before my PM cardio session. I include 2 Lean Out with every meal. What I love about Lean Out is that it is stimulant free which I definitely prefer over most fat burners that give you the jitters. Adding these two supplements to a healthy diet will help anyone lower body fat faster!

I just started using Density (essential amino acids). Adding 2 or 3 to every meal has really helped with muscle growth and fat breakdown. EFA Gold doesn’t have a fishy taste and it really helps burn body fat. I also take a multi vitamin.

Sharlyn at NPC Junior Nationals

Sharlyn at NPC Junior Nationals

Sharlyn with Supplements

Diet and Beverly Supplements 8 Weeks Out

While most of us count on protein as our primary nutrient, Sharlyn has a unique “more carbs please” macronutrient balance. She consumes five to six meals a day. Because of her fast metabolism, her intake is higher carbs, moderate levels of protein and low fat (under 20%).

“Working as a police officer keeps me eating on the go. I’m in my squad car a lot and don’t have the luxury to sit and eat 5-6 hot meals a day. My typical meal plan consists of a lot of tuna packs, egg whites, UMP protein powder, whole wheat wraps, and oats. I alternate between peanut butter, almond butter and Beverley International EFA Gold capsules as my fat sources at each meal.” Here is a sample day’s eating.

Meal 1: Egg whites, oatmeal and 3 EFA Gold capsules

Meal 2: UMP protein, whole wheat wraps with peanut butter

Meal 3: Tuna, whole wheat wraps and olive oil

Meal 4 (Pre-workout): UMP protein, Quaker oats, peanut butter

Meal 5 (Pre-workout): UMP protein, banana, fruit and nut granola bar

Meal 6: Grilled chicken breast and asparagus

On her off day she enjoys UMP Protein Pancakes, her favorite meal of the week! (See side bar for recipe.)

UMP Protein Pancake Recipe

  • Ingredients
  • ½ cup oats
  • 1 ½ scoops UMP Angel Food Cake
  • 1 tsp flour
  • 5 strawberries or handful of blueberries
  • 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
  • 1/3 cup egg whites equivalent to 2 eggs
  • ½ – ¾ cup water depending on how thick or thin you like themDirections
    Mix all ingredients together in a blender and cook like regular pancakesFinal Thoughts“When you get knocked down, you get back up,” says Sharlyn. “When I say knocked down that means not getting first–place. You take constructive criticism from the judges and you go back to the drawing table and you bring a different package to the stage the next time you compete. You stay humble. It takes being consistent. It takes time to put on the muscle. Keep grinding, keep working at it. Keep going to the gym. Will and consistency!”With her serious attitude and seriously driven lifestyle, we look forward to seeing champion Sharlyn Hampton on the pro stage!
    And she did, Winner of 2018 NPC Universe Women’s Figure Masters Over 35.Photo Credit: Dan Ray

Swole Training

When it comes to training, Sharlyn aggressively pursues the changes she knows judges want in her build. Her goal is to put on an extra layer of muscle, building a wider lat spread and full, cannon-ball delts. “I have to lift heavy to get those results,” she says. This motivates her each time she heads to the gym. ”Heavy training and volume is what I need for that extra muscle.”

”My workout routine changes frequently but here’s a sample of what I’m currently doing. I am including the actual weights that I used in my last workouts to give you a point of reference.” For example: 95/6 means the weight is 95lbs and I got 6 reps. On some exercises I just do as many sets as it takes to reach a total number of reps. On these exercises I rest just 30 seconds between sets.In the workout below I indicate this as: Machine Rows – 60 reps, 30 seconds rest.

Training and Cardio

Monday: Chest, Shoulders, Abs

Bench Press: Bar/10, 95/6, 115/3, 135/2, 155/1,
175/1, 135/3x5-7

Incline DB Press: 35/10, 45/8, 55/3x6-10
Dips superset with Incline Cable Flyes: 4x8-15

Military Press: Bar/10, 65/6, 85/3, 95/as many reps
as possible using a slight cheat

Barbell Shrugs: 95/12, 115/10, 135/3x8, slow and

DB Laterals (20lbs) + Reverse Pec Dec Flyes + Alternate Front Raises (25-30 lbs): 3x10-15 each

Lying Leg Raises: 60 reps (total)

Seated Twists: 60 reps


Tuesday: Legs, Triceps, Calves

Squats: Bar/10, 95/8, 135/6, 215/3x6-10

Leg Press: 90/10, 180/8, 270/6, 360/max

Romanian Deadlifts (115lbs) + Lying Leg Curls: 4x6-
12 each

EZ-Bar Standing Triceps Extension: 30/12, 40/10,

Lying Triceps DB Extensions: 15/12, 20/10, 25/8,

Triceps Pushdowns: 4x15-20

Calf Raise: Total of 70 reps

Reverse Raise (tibialis): Total of 70 reps


Wednesday: Back, Biceps, Forearms

Deadlifts: 135/3, 155/5, 175/7, 200/10

Barbell Rows: Bar/10, 75/8, 135/3x6-8

Lat Pulldowns + Seated Cable Rows: 4x8-15 each

Barbell Curls: 4x12/10/8/6

Seated DB Curls: 20/15, 25/12, 30/10, 35/max

Concentration Curls: Total of 70 reps

Wrist Roller: 5 sets

DB Reverse Wrist Curls: (15 lbs) total of 60 reps


Thursday: Rest

Friday: Chest, Shoulders, Abs

Bench Press: Bar/10, 95/8, 115/ 7, 135/total of 30 reps

Decline Press: 95/10, 115/8, 135/3x6-10

Flyes + Pec Deck Flyes: 4x15/12/10/8

Seated DB Press: 20/10, 30/8, 40/3x4-8

Upright Rows (60lbs): For a total of 60 reps, 30 seconds rest
between sets

1-Arm Laterals (25 lbs): For a total of 70 reps

Weighted Crunches: 60 reps

Hanging Leg Raises: 5 sets max reps


Saturday: Legs, Back

DB Lunges: 25/10, 35/8, 45/6

Power Cleans: Bar/10, 65/8, 85/as many sets as necessary to
get 30 reps

Leg Extensions: For a total of 70 reps, 30 seconds rest
between sets

Machine Rows: 60 reps, 30 seconds rest between sets

Good Mornings: 95/4x6-12

1-Arm DB Row: 55/4x6-12

Adductor Machine: 60 reps, 30 seconds rest between sets


Sunday: Rest

Sharlyn adds that, “It is important to have great swolemates for lifting partners.” Her serious swolemate team includes Mia Wilson, Derick Abel, and Tay Raines for support and motivation. “On the days in which I am super-tired they push me to the limit!

Workout Solutions

Workout Solutions

Training Programs

To help maximize the results of your Beverly nutrition and supplement plan, we have listed some of our time tested, no nonsense workouts. Simply determine your goal, and then choose the workout that is consistent with your desired results.

Remove the guess work and follow the link above for guidance to training and nutritional success.