Released in 2009, Quadracarn was one of Beverly’s most successful product launches ever. It continues to be a best seller because it really does do it all. Elite natural bodybuilders use it to help optimize testosterone, cognitive performance, fat burning, mood, energy, pumps, vascularity and vitality.
- One bottle, and they’re hooked: In one survey Beverly conducted, 9 out of 10 Quadracarn users told us they would never stop taking it.
- 4X the carnitine power: Only Quadracarn contains 4 types carnitine plus Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract, a botanical used to help support healthy blood sugar levels.
- Alpha at any age: Quadracarn is considered a must-have by men 35 years of age and older who want to support testosterone production naturally and enhance their performance from head to toe.
- Perfect for keto and any other low-carb lifestyle: Quadracarn will help your fat-burning metabolism make the transition from “slow” to “go” as quickly as possible and reduce the likelihood of experiencing weight-loss plateaus.
- Try this fail-proof physique-transforming, fat-burning stack: Quadracarn + 7-Keto MuscLean + Lean Out.