SPECIAL REPORT: The Secret to Maximizing Your Results with Pre-Workout Stacks!
No Nonsense Magazine 2014 Collection
By: Beverly International Staff

Whatever your goal... BI has the “ultimate” pre-workout stack for you.
Male? Female? Over 40? Need more energy, strength, stamina, or endurance during your workouts? Want to lose weight, get cut, or gain lean muscle? Stacking can help you achieve all of the above, faster.
One of the things physique and performance athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all kinds appreciate most about Beverly products is that they can be stacked in any of a number of ways to produce synergistic effects. Be-low is a selection of pre-workout stacks designed to maximize the results of a broad range of individuals with different workout styles and goals. Choose the stack that best suits your needs. Don’t be afraid to change it up from time to time by trying a different stack from the list!
What’s the secret?
The secret to designing the “ultimate” pre-workout stack is that you must consider the following three factors:
#1: CNS
- Your central nervous system (CNS) functions like “command central”. During your work-outs, for instance, the CNS sends signals to your muscles telling them when to “jump” (i.e. contract) and how “high” (i.e. how much force to generate). If your CNS is fatigued or has difficulty focusing (think of early morning workouts), you will be, too.
- Nutraceuticals like caffeine (Fast-Up, 7-Keto Musclean) and n-acetyl-carnitine (Quadracarn) can stimulate your CNS. This makes you feel more energetic, alert, focused and even powerful. In turn, you will be more motivated to go to the gym and have a great workout.
- CNS-stimulating nutraceuticals can even reduce your perception of effort. This means that working out at a higher intensity level feels easier.
#2 Muscle:
- Particularly when you’re performing resistance exercise (i.e. lifting weights), you want to use nutraceuticals that:
- enhance your ability to achieve a muscle pump
- promote muscle strength, power, stamina or endurance
- protect your muscles from catabolism (protein breakdown).
- The pump occurs when working muscle tissue becomes filled, or “pumped” with blood. The pump is considered the hallmark of an effective muscle-building workout.
- Nutraceuticals like propionyl-l-carnitine (Quadracarn), arginine and citruline (Up-Lift, Muscle Synergy) promote pumps by supporting vasodilation (relaxation of blood vessels). This means that blood can flow into your muscles more easily.
- Beta-alanine (Creatine Select, Up-Lift), creatine (Creatine Select, Muscle Synergy) and betaine (Up-Lift) help your muscles delay fatigue while performing high-intensity contractions. This means you can perform more reps with a given weight, or take shorter rest periods between sets.
- Carnitine (Energy Reserve, Quadracarn) can also help delay fatigue, especially during intense or long cardio workouts requiring stamina or endurance.
- Glutamine and BCAAs (Glutamine Select) support muscle protein synthesis (anabolism) and help combat excess muscle protein breakdown (catabolism).
#3 Fat Burning:
- We all know that to lose fat (and weight), your metabolism must burn fat faster than it stores it on your body.
- We usually think of cardio workouts as the best place to burn off fat. Cardio is certainly a great way to stimulate your metabolism to burn fat faster. This is partly because it typically involves using large muscle groups (especially the legs) for a sustained period of time.
- Nutraceuticals like 7-Keto (7-Keto Musclean) and caffeine (found in 7-Keto Musclean, Fast-Up), both of which stimulate thermogenesis, can help you take fat-burning to the next level during (and after) your cardio workouts. By increasing thermogenesis, more calories are burned off in the form of heat, instead of being stored as fat.
- Carnitine (Energy Reserve, Quadracarn) also supports fat-burning. It is required to carry fat inside the mitochondria of muscle cells and other types of cells where it is burned to provide energy.
Goals & Benefits: Lean muscle mass and tone, muscle pumps, strength and power.
Applications: Typical resistance exercise workouts used for bodybuilding, figure or fitness.
Products (combine or “stack” together):
1. Fast-Up:
- Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules 15-30 minutes pre-workout.
2. Up-Lift:
- Suggested Use: Take 2 full scoops 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to mixing instructions on product label.
3. Creatine Select:
- Suggested Use: Take 1-1.5 full scoops 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to mixing instructions on product label.
Caffeine-Free Option: Up-Lift and Creatine Select, but replace Fast-Up with:
1. Quadracarn:
- Suggested Use: Take 3 tablets 30-60 minutes pre-workout.

Goals & Benefits:: Fat burning, weight management, energy, focus, overall performance
Applications: Typical cardio workouts used for fat burning and weight management.
Products (combine or “stack” together):
1. Fast-Up or 7-Keto Musclean:
- For energy, focus and overall performance, take Fast-Up. Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules 15-30 minutes pre-workout.
- For energy, fat-burning and weight management, take 7-Keto Musclean. Suggested Use: Take 3 cap-sules 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to product label for complete instructions.
2. Up-Lift:
- Suggested Use: Take 2 full scoops 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to mixing instructions on product label.
Caffeine-Free Option: Up-Lift, but replace Fast-Up or 7-Keto with:
1. Quadracarn:
- Suggested Use: Take 3 tablets 30-60 minutes pre-workout.

Goals & Benefits: Lean muscle mass and tone, muscle pumps, strength and power.
Applications: For men and women 40 years of age and older.
Products (combine or “stack” together):
1. Fast-Up:
- Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules 15-30 minutes pre-workout.
2. Muscle Synergy powder or tablets:
- • Suggested Use (powder): Take 1-2 full scoops 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to mixing instructions on product label.
- Suggested Use (tablets): Take 8 or more tablets 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to product label for complete instructions.
3. Quadracarn:
- Suggested Use: Take 3 tablets 30-60 minutes pre-workout.
Caffeine-Free Option: Same as above, Muscle Synergy and Quadracarn, but replace Fast-Up with:
1. Up-Lift:
- Suggested Use: Take 2 full scoops 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to mixing instructions on product label

Goals & Benefits: Stamina (i.e. the ability to sustain a high work rate)
Applications: High-intensity interval training (HIIT), CrossFit-, P90X-, Boot Camp, Tabata-, and Insanity-type workouts.
Products (combine or “stack” together):
1. Fast-Up:
- Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules 15-30 minutes pre-workout.
2. Creatine Select:
- Suggested Use: Take 1-1.5 full scoops 30 minutes pre-workout. Refer to mixing instructions on product label.
Caffeine-Free Option: Replace Fast-Up with:
1. Up-Lift:
- Take 2 scoops 15 minutes prior to workout
1. Quadracarn:
- Suggested Use: Take 3 tablets 30-60 minutes pre-workout.

"Before every workout I take 3 Fast Up for instant energy that lasts through my workout, without the crash. That is very important to me, considering I workout in the middle of the my workday, and have to see clients for 4 more hours following my workout.
In addition to Fast Up, I take Glutamine Select and Muscle Synergy. I am back to working out hard 5 days a week. It’s imperative that my body can handle this type of regimen. I’m not getting any younger as I get closer to the big “40”!
Glutamine Select pre and post workout is essen-tial for recovery. An added benefit is that the branch chain aminos that are so abundant in Glutamine Select, allow my body to use the BCAAs instead of my muscle tissue while I am cutting fat (spare muscle tissue!).
While I’m cutting fat right now, my carbohydrates have been slightly reduced. Muscle Synergy helps me keep the fullness that can sometimes go away while shedding body fat. I realize many people take Muscle Synergy for the “Pump” and the vanity reasons that come with it. What they might not understand is that this “Pump” allows for greater protein synthesis (muscle growth!)."
Brian Wiefering, www.wiefit.com
Products (combine or “stack” together):
1. Fast-Up:
- Suggested Use: Take 1-3 capsules 15-30 minutes pre-workout.
2. Glutamine Select:
- • Suggested Use (powder): Mix 2 full scoops with 12-16 oz of water in a shaker bottle. Drink half of the contents of the bottle immediately pre-workout. Drink the remaining half 60 minutes into your workout or sip throughout if possible.
3. Energy Reserve:
- Suggested Use: Take 2 tablets 30-60 minutes pre-work-out (ideally with your carbohydrate-containing meal).
Caffeine-Free Option: Omit Fast-Up, add Up-Lift.

Pre Workout I take 1 serving each of 7 Keto, Lean Out, Ultra 40, Energy Reserve and Up-Lift. I do 30 minutes of cardio right after lifting. I consume a mixture of
2 scoops Glutamine Select mixed with 2 scoops Muscle Provider vanilla while doing cardio. - Steve Mousharbash

15 minutes before working out I mix 1/3 cup oat bran, ½ scoop vanilla UMP, 1 scoop Creatine Select, and 1 scoop Muscle Synergy powder in 6 oz. water and drink it. I sip Glutamine Select throughout my training session. – Jennie Gray