Beverly International’s Blueprints for Success
Natural Muscle Size Workout & Diet
No Nonsense Magazine 2012-2022 Collection
By: The Beverly Advisor Team
The rationale behind our Natural Muscle Size Workout and Diet is that you first must lay down a foundation of size and strength. Whether you’ve been working out for decades and just need to “reinforce” your foundation, or are relatively new to the weights, this can best be accomplished through basic exercises, heavy (for you) weights, systematic progression, and an increased focus on nutrition with an emphasis on frequent use of very high quality protein and a slight overload of calories.
Natural Muscle Size Workout
Here are the basic workout rules:
- Read the instructions listed for each exercise. They will tell you exactly how to structure your sets, reps, and progression to get maximum results.
- Follow this schedule for 12-16 weeks as you progress through the levels of your Natural Muscle Size Supplement program. Whether you’re an intermediate or have been training for decades, be prepared to make some of the best gains of your life in strength and muscle size.
Monday: Chest, Biceps, Triceps
Bench press: 4 work sets; 5-6 reps, but no more than 6 reps per set. Warm up, then do 4 sets of benches with the same weight. You should be able to get 6 reps your first set or two, but may fall to 5 reps on your final 2 sets, with or without a slight spot. As soon as you can get 6 reps on all 4 sets without a spot in a workout, add ten pounds your next workout and start over!
Incline Press: 3 work sets; 8, down to 4 reps. Use a barbell or dumbbells. Do one warm-up set of 12 reps, then put on a weight that you think you can get for 8 reps. If you make 8 – stop! For the second set, add 10-20 pounds and go for 6 reps. Add 10-20 more pounds for your final work set and try to get 4 reps. If you successfully get 8 – 6– 4 on your consecutive three sets, 2 workouts in a row, then add 10-pounds to each set your next (3rd) workout.
Barbell curls / Close-grip bench press: (Alternate Sets – 1 biceps set rest, then 1 triceps set, rest and repeat.) 4 sets, 5-6 reps (Use the same set and rep scheme as bench press.)
Lying tricep extensions: 3 work sets; 8 to 6 reps (Use the same weight all three sets, when you can get 8 reps on all three sets, increase the weight your next workout.)

Wednesday: Legs
Squats: 5 work sets; 4-6 reps. Use a foot position that’s shoulder width apart. As you descend imagine there is a marble on the center of your quad. Keep going down until the marble would start rolling toward your hips. This will guarantee that you’ve broken parallel and will reap the maximum benefits from your squats. Begin with a couple of warm-up sets. Then do one more warm-up set of 6 reps with a weight that is 25-50 lbs below your 6-rep max. Now select a weight that will allow you to squat in perfect form for five sets of 4-6 reps. When you can get 6 reps on every set – add weight! It’s ok to take up to 5 minutes rest between each set!
Straight Leg Deadlifts: 4 sets; 6-8 reps.
Leg curls: 3 sets; pyramid from 12 reps down to 8 reps on the final set.
Standing calf raises alternate with Seated calf raises: 3 sets; pyramid 20 reps down to 10 reps. For both exercises go all the way up, hold for a two-count, then lower slowly as far as your range of motion will comfortably allow.
Saturday: Back and Shoulders
Deadlifts: 5 work sets; 3-5 reps. Keep the bar close to your body as you pull. Warm-up with a couple of light sets and stretch between warmups. Then add weight each set staying in the 3-5 rep range. For example: Week One you might do 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x5, 275x3. As soon as you get 5 reps on the final set, add 10 lbs to each set listed your next deadlift workout.
Bent barbell rows or Cable rows: 4 work sets; 5-6 reps. (Same sets and reps as Monday’s bench press workout).
Reverse grip pulldowns: 3 work sets; 8-4 reps (same as Monday’s incline press.) Use an underhand (palms facing) grip. Try to make your elbows follow an arced path as you pull them down and back. This is a lat builder – think lats and let your biceps just go along for the ride.
Shoulder shrugs: 3 sets; pyramid from 8 reps down to 4 reps. Shrug straight upwards. Try to touch your shoulders to your ears. Squeeze at the top. Don’t roll your shoulders either.
Shoulder press: 4 sets; 5-6 reps (same set and rep scheme as bench press). You can use a barbell, dumbbell, or Smith Machine for this exercise.
Lateral rasies: 3 sets; 12-10-8 reps (use the same weight for all sets).
Natural Muscle Size Workout Summary
Monday: Chest, Biceps & Triceps
Bench Press (2-3 warmup sets) then 4x5-6
Incline Press 1x12 (warmup), then 3x8-6-4
Barbell Curls 4x5-6
alternate with
Close Grip Bench Press 4x5-6
DB Curls 3x6-8
alternate with
Lying Tricep Extension 3x6-8
Wednesday: Legs
Squat (3 warmup sets) then 5x4-6
Straight Leg Deadlift 4x6-8
Leg Curls 3x12-10-8
Standing Calf Raises 3x20-15-10
alternate with
Seated Calf Raises 3x20-15-10
Saturday: Back and Shoulders
Deadlift 5x3-5 (add weight each set)
Barbell or Cable Row 4x5-6
Reverse Grip Pulldown 3x8-6-4
Shrugs 3x8-6-4
Shoulder Press (BB, DB, or Machine) 4x5-6
DB Laterals 3x12-10-8
Natural Muscle Size Nutrition Program
Adding muscle size and strength requires more than just training. Another key component of your Natural Muscle Size program is a balanced nutrition program with the emphasis on protein. A proper nutritional regimen aimed at increasing muscle size should consist of the three major macronutrients that the human body needs in order to function properly in the following proportions: 35%-50% protein, 20%-40% carbohydrate, 20%-35% fat; the lower your carbohydrate intake, the higher your fat intake should be.
How to Utilize the Natural Muscle Size Nutrition Programs
We’ve listed two nutrition plans to go with your Natural Muscle Size Supplement program. Depending on your goal, choose either of the diets listed, or you could alternate them in 4 to 6 week intervals. Here are 4 options
- Follow the Maximum Size and Strength plan for the entire 12-16 week period.
- Follow the Gain Muscle Lose Fat plan for the entire 12-16 week period.
- Follow the Maximum Size and Strength plan for 6-8 weeks, then harden up by following the Gain Muscle Lose Fat plan for the remaining 6-8 weeks.
- Follow the Gain Muscle Lose Fat plan for the first 4-6 weeks, then the Maximum Size and Strength Plan for 4 weeks, and then finish out the program with the Gain Muscle Lose Fat plan for the final 4-6 weeks.
As you work into either of the two nutrition plans listed below, it’s okay to adjust portions or add or decrease a meal as needed to maintain progress. Do not worry about the particular order of your meals, if you want to eat Meal #1 as your last meal of the day, go ahead, it’s OK. The most important thing for you to do is make sure you have a minimum of 3 of the food meals listed below in addition to at least 2 UMP shakes (or puddings) each day. In a couple of cases we’ve indicated a particular flavor of UMP, these are just suggestions, go with the flavor you enjoy most.
Maximum Size and Strength Nutrition
Meal 1:
Option A: 3 whole eggs, 5oz lean beef or 1 cup cottage cheese, ¹⁄₂ cup oatmeal (before cooking)
Option B: 3 egg omelet, 2oz cheese, 2 slices whole-grain toast with peanut butter or almond butter, 1 apple
Meal 2:
Protein Shake Option: 2 scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein, 2 tablespoons healthy fat source (olive oil, flax oil, almond butter) or heavy cream. Add strawberries, blueberries, or a banana if desired.
Whole Food Option: 6oz beef patty, 1 cup cottage cheese and ¹⁄₂ cup pineapple
Meal 3:
Option A: 8oz roast beef or turkey breast (or other protein source), ¹⁄₂ cup cooked brown rice (or other complex carbohydrate source), Optional: 1 or 2 servings of low carb fruit or vegetables
Option B: 5oz roast beef, 2oz swiss cheese, 2 slices rye bread, 1 apple, 1-2 cups salad
Meal 4 (post workout):
Protein Shake Option: 2 scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein, 1 tablespoon healthy fat source (olive oil, flax oil, almond butter) or heavy cream, 1 banana
Mass Maker Ultra Option: If you are a hard gainer, you can replace your post-workout UMP shake with Mass Maker Ultra - 2 scoops Mass Maker Ultra, 12oz vitamin D milk or water, 1 banana.
Whole Food Option (optional on non-workout days): 6-8oz ground beef, ¹⁄₂ cup cottage cheese, ¹⁄₂ cup pineapple or ½ cantaloupe
Meal 5:
8oz serving of protein (steak, pork, chicken, turkey or fish), 8-10oz baked potato or sweet potato, 1-2 cups low carb vegetables or salad
Meal 6 (before bed):
UMP Shake (same as meal #4) or protein pudding – mix two scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein in a bowl with just enough water to make a pudding texture. Add 2 tablespoons of peanut butter or heavy cream.
Gain Muscle Size While Losing Fat Nutrition Plan
Meal 1:
2 whole eggs plus 4 egg whites, 5oz lean meat, ¹⁄₂ cup oatmeal (measured before cooking)
Meal 2:
Protein Shake Option: 2 scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein (chocolate flavor), 1 tbsp almond butter, 1 tbsp heavy whipping cream, 12-14oz water
Whole Food Option: 8oz sliced roast beef or other protein source, 1 apple or other fruit
Meal 3:
6-8oz lean meat, 6oz sweet potato or ²⁄₃ cup cooked brown rice, 2 cups vegetables (broccoli, etc.) and/or salad with 2 tablespoons dressing
Meal 4 (post workout):
Protein Shake Option: 2 scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein (vanilla flavor), 1 tablespoon healthy fat source (olive oil, flax oil, almond butter) or heavy cream. Add banana or berries if desired.
Whole Food Option (optional on non-workout days): 6oz turkey breast, ¹⁄₂ cup cottage cheese, ¹⁄₂ cup pineapple (unsweetened) or ¹⁄₂ cantaloupe
Meal 5:
8-10oz lean meat, 2 cups vegetables, salad with 2 tablespoons dressing
Meal 6 (before bed):
Protein Shake Option: Shake (same as meal #2) or protein pudding – mix two scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein (cookies & crème) in a bowl with just enough water to make a pudding texture. Add 1 tablespoon of almond butter, walnuts, or heavy cream if desired.
Whole Food Option: 4oz chicken or turkey breast, 6 egg whites, 1 cup omelet vegetables
Beverages: Make sure that you drink at least six to eight 8oz glasses of water each day (that’s four 16oz bottles). Watch out for sugars in the liquids you drink, juices and regular soft drinks will sabotage your progress. Limit your beverages to water, coffee, tea, diet sodas, and Crystal Light.
Free Foods: You can eat any of the following at any time, without jeopardizing your results: Sugar free gum, sugar-free Jell-O, Splenda, Equal, seasonings, mustard, vinegar, hot sauce, salt and pepper.

A Quick Summary of the Natural Muscle Size Supplement Plan
Regardless of which nutrition plan you choose, the Natural Muscle Size Supplement plan is a key component. Be sure to go back to page 4 and carefully reread the full instructions so that you set yourself up correctly to achieve the greatest gains. Here’s a summary:
Level 1 (6-8 weeks): UMP – 2 shakes daily, 6-18 Mass Aminos daily, 6-18 Ultra 40 daily.
Level 2 (4 weeks): UMP (same as level 1), Mass Aminos and Ultra 40 (1 tablet each per 10 lbs of your bodyweight, if you weigh 175, that would be 18 per day), Creatine Select - load 4 scoops daily for 5 days, then one serving daily until the bottle runs out.
Level 3 (4 weeks): UMP, Mass Aminos, Ultra 40 (same as level 2). Add 2 servings of Muscle Synergy daily, and Quadracarn (to optimize your testosterone production) 9 tablets on workout days and 6 on non-workout days.