If it's in Your Heart to Compete, DO IT! (No matter your age)
No Nonsense Magazine Volume 24, #3
By: Andrea Edwards

At a Glance: Andrea Edwards
Age: 55
Occupation: Medical Assistant at OH ENT & Allergy Physicians in Columbus, OH
Current Residence: Columbus, OH
Years training: 40
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 124 (off-season), 114 (contest)
Favorite Bodybuilding Meal: Tilapia and green beans with avocado oil
Favorite Supplements: Muscularity, GH Factor, Glutamine, Quadracarn. I add Lean Out, 7-Keto MuscLean, and Muscle Synergy when dieting for competition.
What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly supplements before: I would highly recommend Muscle Synergy, Glutamine Select, Quadracarn, and GH Factor for building muscle and recovery; Lean Out and 7-Keto MuscLean are fundamental for increasing metabolism and getting shredded.
Most Inspiring Book: Beauty for Ashes by Joyce Meyer.
Hobby or interests outside bodybuilding: Writing, painting, shopping (of course!), and spending time with my three dogs.
Words to live by: DON'T QUIT!! You grow through what you go through.
My bodybuilding journey began 41 years ago when I joined (with my Mother's permission) a Fitness Center for women at age 14. That was the era of leotards, leg warmers, and headbands. (all of which I wore proudly). In addition to the hip shaker machine (as I called it), which consisted of a band, you put around your waist, and the machine proceeded to shake the weight off of your hips and thighs, they also had a few Nautilus machines. After testing out the equipment with no knowledge of what I was doing, I was immediately hooked! One thing led to another, and I joined (again with my Mother's permission) a "real" gym with free weights and posters of famous bodybuilders on the wall, including Rachel McLish. She was my inspiration for lifting weights and later on competing. Fast forward quite a few years which included working at gyms, being a personal trainer, competing, and a tour of duty in the Navy; here we were in 2020.
I stepped away from competing for 19 years due to "life happenings" and some personal struggles, which I won't go into detail about. I decided to reenter the competition world last year. I have competed in three NPC shows so far and plan to compete in Nationals next year. I had hesitations about competing again at age 54, but after meeting with Mike Francois at Metro Fitness in Worthington, OH, I decided to go for it. I had 12 weeks to get ready for his show. Luckily, I had kept myself in good shape over the years, so it was an attainable goal.
My advice to anyone who thinks they are too old, not pretty enough, muscular enough, or whatever other excuses we tell ourselves is to ignore that voice in your head. If it is in your heart to compete, then DO IT! Life is too short for regrets. What's the worst that can happen? You don't place or win. But you did win because you had the guts and drive to do what very few people in this world can do. That makes you a winner! Anything else is icing on the cake.
Meal One
6 egg whites, 1 yolk, ¹⁄₄ c blueberries, ¹⁄₂ c oatmeal, coffee
Meal Two
2 one scoop whey protein (Muscle Provider)
Meal Three
6oz fish or chicken, 4oz yam, 1 cup vegetables
Meal Four
6oz fish, chicken, or beef, ¹⁄₂ c rice or ¹⁄₂ yam, spinach salad, or 1 cup vegetables, 1-2 tbsp flaxseed oil
Meal Five
Protein pancake (3 egg whites, 1 whole egg, 1 scoop vanilla UMP, additional vanilla, and cinnamon to taste. I add a little water sometimes too. Cook over low to medium heat with non-stick spray. Top with sugar-free syrup.)

I have tried many different supplements over the years and spent a lot of money for little to no results. None have given me results like Beverly International. I can honestly say that Beverly International products are of the highest quality and will give you the results you are looking for. 7-Keto MuscLean, Lean Out, and Quadracarn are a must for fat burning and increased vascularity with contest prep, especially as you age. Muscle Synergy, Muscularity, and Density are essential for preserving muscle on a contest diet.
Supplement Schedule
- GH Factor 6 with meal 1
- Lean Out 1 with each meal
- 7-Keto MuscLean 2 with meals 1, 3 and 5
- Quadracarn 3 tablets twice a day
- Glutamine Select 1 scoop before workout
- Muscularity 2 capsules three times a day
- Muscle Synergy 1 scoop per day
- Density 5 tablets per day
Mon & Thurs: Shoulders/Tris
Machine Shoulder Press 4x12
Side Laterals 4x12-15
Dumbbell Press 4x12
Arnold Press 4x12
Skull Crushers 4x12
Cable Upright Row 4x12-15
Reverse Pec Dec 4x12
Rope Pushdown 4x12
Tues & Fri: Legs
Leg Extension 4x15
Leg Curl 4x15
Walking Lunges
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 4x15
Hack Squats 4x12-15
Lying Single-leg Press 4x15
Bulgarian Split Squat 4x15
Leg Press 4x12-15
Donkey Calf Raises 3x30
Seated Calf Raises 3x30
Wed: Back
Wide Grip Pulldown 4x15
Cable Row 4x12
Close Grip Pulldown 4x12
Deadlift 4x8-12
1 Arm DB Row 4x8-12
Hyperextensions 4x15-20
Sat: Chest/Biceps
Incline DB Press 4x8-12
Hammer Curl 4x10
Bench Press 4x8-12
Preacher Curl 4x10
Cable Flye 4x12-15
Dumbbell Curl 4x10
Cardio Schedule
Off-Season: 30-minute sessions, 4 to 5 times a week.
Contest Prep: 30–60-minute sessions, 4 to 6 times a week.
I prefer the treadmill, elliptical, and StairMaster machines. I add sprints during contest prep.
Tips on Presentation
Practice practice practice! You can never be too prepared. Watch videos of other competitors, or find a good posing coach. Your time on stage is limited so bring your best. You've worked hard for many weeks to get there, it wasn't easy, but you did it. And even if you don't win or place, it's ok as long as you can say I did my best.

Final Thoughts
Don't compare yourself to others. Be the best version of YOU that you can be. No one can do you better than you! Stay the course and keep grinding.