I Lost 81 lbs in just 11 months. Here’s how.
No Nonsense Magazine Vol 24, #2
By: Jennifer Colon

I was on the verge of turning 40 with four kids under my belt and my highest weight ever of 210lbs at 5’2. It was the lowest point in my life. I had so many aches and pains and health issues related to my diet and lack of exercise that I was always sick. I had been overweight most of my life and had tried everything from fad diets to diet pills and every quick fix you can think of without success.
At a Glance: Jennifer Colon
Age: 41
Occupation: General Manager
Family: Married with four children (17,15,11,3)
Current Residence: Fenton, MI
Years training (total): 11 months
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 129 (down from 210 just 11 months ago)
Favorite Bodybuilding Meal or Fitness Meal: 4oz lean ground turkey, 4oz sweet potato, 1 cup asparagus. My trainer has taught me some different tricks with spices to make this super yummy and flavorful. I actually look forward to eating the sweet potatoes!
What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly supplements before? Don’t hesitate! Hands down, Beverly products are fantastic, and the flavor of the UMP is unbeatable. I’ve literally tried everything on the market and go back to Beverly’s UMP every time! And I drink two or three shakes per day! I also like their new Plant-Based Protein, PBP. Graham Cracker UMP is my favorite, but I use them all in rotation.
Music: I have a different playlist to get me pumped up for training, work, and dealing with the kiddos. Lately, I’ve been enjoying the “Today’s Christian” station on Apple music.
Most Inspiring Book: The Bible
Hobby or interests outside bodybuilding: My husband and I spend a lot of time playing with the kids, hanging out with our friends and family, going to church, and shopping. For quiet “me time”, I listen to different true crime and Christian podcasts. I also begin each day with my bible app.
Words to live by: “Don’t look back; you’re not going that way!”
One day my husband said, “We’re going to get a trainer.” I was terrified as we went to our first appointment with Eric Senter. As we set up our next appointment, I thought of so many reasons not to go back. Keep in mind that I had never trained with020 weights a day in my life. But Eric believed in me from the beginning. He said, “You’re going to have a great physique, and you’re going to be great at deadlifting.” I looked at him with confusion because I had no idea what a deadlift was! Now I’m deadlifting 240 lbs and still getting stronger.
All told, I’ve lost 80 lbs in eleven months! How did I do it? Through daily discipline with diet, exercise, and maintaining a positive attitude.
I’m a busy mom of four who works full time, so prepping my meals in advance has been a lifesaver. Yes, it takes time, but it ultimately saves time and makes it much easier to stick to my food plan rather than grabbing just anything off the shelf when
I’m hungry.
Here is the diet plan Eric devised for me that brought me down to my current weight of 129 lbs in just eleven months.
Training Day Macros and Meal Plan:
1210 calories, 135 grams protein, 90 grams carbs, 30 grams fat
Meal #1: 4 egg whites, ¼ cup oatmeal, ¼ cup blueberries or raspberries
Meal #2: One scoop UMP, 12 almonds, 1 rice cake
Meal #3: 4oz chicken breast, 1 cup broccoli
Meal #4: One scoop UMP, 12 almonds, 1 rice cake, 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
Meal #5: 4oz extra lean ground turkey, 4oz sweet potato, 1 cup asparagus

Non-Training Day Macros and Meal Plan:
1180 calories, 144 grams protein, 36 grams carbs, 52 grams fat
Meal #1: 4 egg whites, 2oz lean sirloin, 1/2 cup asparagus
Meal #2: One scoop UMP, 12 almonds
Meal #3: 4oz chicken breast, 3 cups baby spinach, 6 almonds, 1 tbsp each olive oil and apple cider vinegar
Meal #4: One scoop UMP, 12 almonds, 1 cup raw broccoli
Meal #5: 4oz extra lean ground turkey, 1 whole egg, 1 cup asparagus or broccoli
Notes: Drink 1/2 gallon water daily, no alcohol, pop, or juice. Black coffee is okay. Measure food first, then cook. Use spices, mustard, cinnamon as desired.
I use UMP as an integral part of my daily meal plan. I take my other supplements first thing each morning using Muscle Synergy, Glutamine Select, and Creatine Select for strength, lean muscle gain, and recovery. Beverly’s Advanced Antioxidant helps my body detox free radicals while supporting healthy aging and immune system function.
I train five days a week with Eric.
Monday: Back
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Bis and Tris
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Legs
Saturday or Sunday: - I train full body using two exercises per muscle group at about 50% of my usual poundage.
On Tuesdays, I add in a little more focused Glutes after my regular workout. On Thursdays, I do another Back session after I complete Eric’s program. (Back day is my favorite!)
Our progress is monitored by the three core lifts: deadlift, bench press, and squat. But Eric varies our workouts daily. We rotate between cables, dumbbells, bodyweight, etc., each day. We do a lot of Time Under Tensions, where Eric gets enjoyment from counting down the seconds for us.
Cardio is incorporated into every training session. Our group grinds hard since we have only 45 minutes. We might warm up with 5-10 minutes of traditional cardio. But we continue to get cardio throughout the entire session. Jumping jacks, mountain climbers, running in place, pushing the sled, running on a treadmill, air squats, rowing, etc., are interspersed throughout the workout. Every day is a little different.
I do extra cardio three days per week for 15-20 minutes. I rotate the incline treadmill, elliptical, or stair climber so I don’t get bored. If I’m not at the gym, I just hop on my Peloton at home.
In Closing
The best advice that I can give someone is to just do it. I know that sounds trite, but it’s the initial step and frame of mind needed to get moving. Take progress pictures because you may not notice the minor improvements you are making. Get a sound support system, like a workout group or partner. Someone that can hold you accountable every day. I couldn’t have done it without the support of my husband, my trainer, Eric, and our training group. They encourage me to challenge myself daily!
Celebrate your successes, however small they may be. But most important, do something that you enjoy. Something that you look forward to every day and that makes you happy! Every night when I go to bed, I’m excited to get up the next day at 4:30 am to get my day started and follow my routine with supplements, training, and food prepping.
Contact Eric Senter at: sentertransformation@gmail.com or on the web at www.sentersstrengthandheath.com