Bring Your BEST Body To The Beach With The FAT LOSS ACCELERATOR Program
No Nonsense Magazine Vol 21, #1
By: The Beverly Advisor Team
Summer is here. So don’t waste your time (or money) with questionable fat-loss supplements. Bring your best body to the beach (and beyond) with the help of a supplement stack based on time-tested, results-proven products. It’s called the Beverly Fat Loss Accelerator program.
The Fat Loss Accelerator makes dieting and exercise work better.
The Fat Loss Accelerator is a safe, no-nonsense combination of products that helps you reduce body fat and improve body shape and lean muscle tone and definition, faster. These are trusted supplement formulas that have remained unchanged for many years because they reliably deliver results.
Who Is The Fat Loss Accelerator Ideal For?
It’s ideal for any healthy man or woman who works out (weights and cardio) at least 3 times weekly.
How Do I Get Started?
First, choose the level that suits you best:
• The "Essential" program is for anyone who is new to supplements, novice athletes (1 year or less of regular workouts), or anyone who is on a strict budget.
• "Next Level" if you are an intermediate-level athlete, already quite familiar with supplements, or have a medium-size budget.
• The "Advanced" and "Comprehensive" levels are for advanced athletes (individuals who feel their physique is close to its genetic potential) and anyone who wants the most comprehensive supplement stack available to help them accomplish their fat-loss goals.
NOTE: We define an “athlete” as anyone who works out (a.k.a. “trains”) regularly. That means you!
Next, build the stack that corresponds to your chosen level. We go through each level in detail starting below.
• Help you gain lean, strong muscle, naturally
• Give you a great-tasting, nutritious meal replacement
• Boost your metabolism and help you lose fat while preserving muscle
Best Dose: If you weigh 100-125, take at least 1 scoop daily; 126-165 take 2 or more scoops daily; 166-200, 3 scoops daily; over 200, 4 scoops daily.
• Make it easier to lose stubborn fat and get lean while dieting
• Help your body convert stored fat into energy
• Enhance insulin and blood sugar control
Best Dose: Take 1-2 capsules 4 times daily.
• Prevent your metabolism from slowing down while dieting, or due to aging
• Help you lose up to TWICE as much body fat with diet and exercise, without losing lean muscle
• Instantly boost your energy and mood
Best Dose: Take 3 capsules, twice daily. Most people take the first dose in the morning and the second at lunch.

• Make any fat-loss or cutting diet more effective
• Preserve and enhance muscle tone
• Boost energy, stamina and endurance
Best Dose: Take 1-2 tablets before cardio and 1-2 tablets with each of 3 meals.
• Make it easier to lose fat & achieve full, vascular & shredded muscles
• Amplify the positive effects of testosterone, safely and naturally
• Enhance energy, mood, cognitive performance, sexual potency, sleep quality and overall wellness
Best Dose: Take 3 tablets, 3 times daily on workout days. On rest days, take 3 tablets, 2 times daily.
• Boost your GH level, naturally
• Enhance leanness (especially lower body), muscle fullness & pumps
• Quicken recovery
Best Dose: Take 2 GH Factor capsules, 3 times daily on an empty stomach, 30 minutes prior to meals, a workout, or bed. To boost natural GH output: take 6 capsules on an empty stomach upon arising and before bed. Advanced fat-loss stack: take 2 GH Factor, 2 Energy Reserve, and 2 Lean Out 30 minutes prior to each of 3 meals and before bed.
• Enhance muscle retention on any fat-loss or cutting diet (cut fat, not muscle!)
• Boost training performance and quicken recovery time
• Help alleviate muscle soreness
Best Dose: If you weigh 100-150 lb, take 2 capsules per meal; 151-200 lb, 3 capsules per meal; over 200, 4 capsules per meal.
NEXT STEPS: Add 7-Keto MuscLean to the “Essential” stack (UMP, Lean Out, 7-Keto MuscLean).
ADVANCED: Add Energy Reserve (Females) or Quadracarn (Males) to the “Next Steps” stack.
COMPREHENSIVE: Add GH Factor and Muscularity to the “Advanced” stack.
• Proper diet and nutrition, are key components of the Fat Loss Accelerator program.
• You must consistently eat the right combination and types of nutrients to preserve lean muscle tissue while you strip off fat at a rapid rate.
• Your Fat Loss Accelerator nutritional regimen should consist almost exclusively of the foods listed below.
• Best sources of protein are turkey breast, chicken breast, lean beef, whole eggs, egg whites, and fish.
• Protein portions in the sample Fat Loss Accelerator diets below should be weighed before cooking.
• The best protein supplements are Ultimate Muscle Protein and Muscle Provider. These protein powders have the perfect amino acid profile to preserve lean muscle while accelerating fat loss.
• The higher quality the protein powder you use, the more muscle you’ll retain and the more fat you’ll lose. Many physique competitors are instructed to cut out other protein supplements a month before their competition. But champion Beverly athletes use Muscle Provider and Ultimate Muscle Protein powders all the way up to the day of their show getting harder and more defined each day.
• Low carb vegetables include salads, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, green beans, mushrooms, tomatoes (technically a fruit), onions, and asparagus.
• Acceptable low carb fruits are blueberries, cantaloupe, grapefruit, and strawberries.
• These low carb vegetables and fruits along with the protein sources listed above will be the staples of your Fat Loss Accelerator nutritional program.
• Best sources of complex carbohydrate for losing fat and maintaining lean muscle are oatmeal, brown rice, and sweet potatoes.
• Unless you know from experience that your body tolerates carbohydrates extremely well, your complex carbohydrate intake should be limited to your twice weekly “carb-up meals”. We’ll explain about that later.
• The right types of dietary fats can actually improve the results of your diet. But, you must really pay attention to getting the right amount and right kinds of dietary fats.
• Best sources are olive oil, coconut oil, flax oil, almond butter, and small amounts of walnuts and almonds.
• It is vital that you take an essential fatty acid supplement like Beverly’s EFA Gold.
• Although Beverly’s Fat Loss Accelerator program requires dietary discipline, you can still use moderate amounts of the following without jeopardizing your results: sugar free gum, Crystal Light, sugar-free flavored waters and sodas, coffee, tea, Splenda, Equal, stevia, cinnamon, dry seasonings, mustard, vinegar, hot sauce, salt and pepper.
• The only time that a “free meal” is acceptable is if you have a special occasion like a birthday, wedding, holiday meal, etc.
• Make sure that you drink plenty of water. See “Free Foods” above for other beverage options. If you are dehydrated, you will not burn fat and you can’t build muscle. Water is necessary in every metabolic process.
• You should drink at least one-half gallon daily for every 100lbs of bodyweight.
The Fat Loss Accelerator nutritional plan incorporates what has become known as the “Beverly Carb-Up Meal”.
• Twice weekly you will eat a final meal before retiring that is a combination of carbohydrate sources ranging from “fast” to “slow” acting.
• This is an important part of your plan. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that if you skip it, it will accelerate your rate of fat loss.
Here’s what the carb meal does:
• Refuels glycogen stores.
• Prevents decline in metabolism, (T3 synthesis remains optimal).
• Provides variety – mental ease.
• Facilitates muscular growth by inducing uptake of Amino Acids and insulin surge drives IGF-1 production. Optimizes “anabolic” effect of insulin, while minimizing the lipogenic (fat producing) effect.
• Your first “carb-up” meal is going to be difficult because you will not be used to eating the recommended amounts. That’s okay; just eat a portion of each of the recommended foods. Then, gradually work up to the full recommended amounts each week.
Meal 1: Three ounces chicken breast or turkey breast; three egg whites; one-half grapefruit or three strawberries.
Meal 2:
Option A: Protein Drink with one or two scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein or Muscle Provider, one teaspoon healthy fat source (olive oil, flax oil, almond butter).
Option B: Three ounces chicken breast or tuna; three egg whites, one tomato.
Meal 3: Five ounces chicken breast (weighed prior to cooking); two cups salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, green peppers, etc.) or two cups low carb vegetables; one tablespoon “Newman’s Own” dressing (or make your own with one tablespoon cider vinegar and one tablespoon olive oil).
Meal 4: Same options as meal two (above) – but no added fat to your shake. If this is the meal preceding or just after training, Muscle Provider is the optimal protein at this time.
Meal 5: Five ounces chicken breast, turkey breast or lean beef; two cups low carb vegetables or salad.
Meal 6:
Option A: Four egg whites; one cup omelet vegetables (onions, celery, broccoli, peppers).
Option B: Protein Pudding– mix one scoop Ultimate Muscle Protein in a bowl with just enough water to make a pudding texture. Add one teaspoon almond butter.
Carb Load Meal: On Monday and Thursday evening you will have a “carb load” meal as your last meal of the day. Eat this meal right before you go to bed if you like (it’ll help you sleep along with all the other benefits listed earlier). You will have this meal in place of your regularly scheduled sixth meal.
Here’s what you’ll eat at this meal: One cup oatmeal (measure your oatmeal before you cook it – once you cook it, it’ll be nearly two cups), or you can substitute one cup cooked brown rice; along with your oatmeal or rice you’ll also eat a five ounce sweet potato, a small banana, and one-half cup of low carb vegetables. You’ll add one teaspoon of olive oil, almond
butter, or regular butter to prolong the positive effects of the carb up meal and stabilize your blood sugar through the night.

Meal 1:
Option A: Eight ounces lean beef, chicken breast or turkey breast; three egg whites and one yolk; one grapefruit or one-fourth cantaloupe.
Option B: Omelet – six egg whites, two egg yolks; five ounces lean beef, chicken breast or turkey breast; one cup mixed broccoli, onions, peppers; one-half grapefruit.
Meal 2:
Option A: Protein Drink - two scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein or Muscle Provider, two tablespoons healthy fat source (olive oil, flax oil, almond butter) or heavy cream.
Option B: Eight ounces chicken breast or tuna; three egg whites, one tomato.
Meal 3:
Option A: Eight ounces chicken or turkey breast; four cups salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, green peppers, etc.) or two cups low carb vegetables; three tablespoons “Newman’s Own” dressing (or make your own with two tablespoons cider vinegar and one tablespoon olive oil).
Option B: Eight ounces lean beef; two cups low carb vegetables.
Meal 4: Same options as meal two (above). If this is the meal preceding or just after training, Muscle Provider is the optimal protein at this time.
Meal 5: Ten ounces chicken breast, turkey breast or a very lean steak (filet or flank steak is ideal); two cups low carb vegetables or salad.
Meal 6:
Option A: Nine egg whites; one cup omelet vegetables (onions, broccoli, peppers).
Option B: Protein pudding – mix two scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein in a bowl with just enough water to make a pudding texture. Add one tablespoon almond butter, walnuts, or heavy cream.
Carb Load Meal: On Monday and Thursday evening you will have a “carb load” meal in place of Meal 6. You can eat this meal right before you go to bed if you like.
Here’s what you’ll eat at this meal: One and one-half cups oatmeal (measure your oatmeal before you cook it – once you cook it, it’ll be nearly three cups), or you can substitute one and one-half cups cooked brown rice; you’ll also have a ten-ounce sweet potato, a large banana, and one cup of low carb vegetables. Add one tablespoon of olive oil, flax oil, almond butter, or regular butter to prolong the positive effects of the carb up meal and stabilize your blood sugar through the night.