Bodybuilding Through the Decades
No Nonsense Magazine Vol. 24 #2
By: James B. Lucas

At a Glance: James B. Lucas
Age: 54
Occupation: Project Manager
Family: Wife, Karen for 24 years and son, David (20), daughter, Jordan (17)
Current Residence:Tarpon Springs, FL
Years training (total): 16 years training total with a gap of 20 years from age 33 to 53
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 185 (off-season), 165 (contest)
Favorite Bodybuilding Meal: 1 whole egg, 12 egg whites with salsa, and an Ezekiel muffin
Favorite supplements: UMP, Ultra 40 liver tablets help with energy and oxygen transportation and is essential when dieting. Mass Aminos is an excellent, full-spectrum amino that allows you to retain as much muscle as possible during contest prep, another essential when dieting.
What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly supplements before? I would say trust in Sandy and Roger. They helped me in the '90s to win contests, and they are
still helping today. Even if you don't wish to compete, Beverly International can help you reach your fitness goals. All you have to do is check out their website with recommendations from beginner to competitive athletes.
Music: I am a classic rock kind of guy and enjoy U2 and Bruce and the E Street Band
Most Inspiring Book: Arnold, The Education of a Bodybuilder, which came out in 1977. I have an original hardcover copy and reading that got me into the gym and changed my life as a teenager.
Hobby or interests: I loved coaching football for many years. The thrill of taking a team and making them competitive gives me that same exhilaration as being on stage. I also love spending time with the family, but there is far less of that as the kids get older.
Words to live by: "What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals." — Henry David Thoreau
My introduction to bodybuilding happened when I bought Arnold's Education of a Bodybuilder when I was 12 years old. I was mesmerized by Arnold's story and the black and white photos of his physique. Bodybuilding was about to become part of my life. I re-read that book again and again throughout my teenage years. I bought various muscle magazines from the smoke shop at the mall featuring Franco, Frank, Chris Dickerson, and of course, anything with Arnold in them. I lifted to get better at wrestling and was fortunate to have Miklos Kiss, a European powerlifter, teach me form and the fundamentals.
In my twenties, I began adding size to my frame while working as an auto mechanic and putting myself through school to earn my Bachelor's degree. It was the 80's; Rocky III had just come out and became my favorite movie. I was inspired by Stallone and his new physique along with the song, Eye of the Tiger. I decided it was my time to evolve myself, and I entered a contest without any knowledge. I took 5th place at Mr. Akron.
Along came the 90's and I'm managing Nutrition Services at various hospitals. I met my wife Karen, and we bought a home in the little town of Canal Fulton, OH. In 1999 I met Sandy and Roger from Beverly International. I sent "Polaroids" bi-weekly to Roger, and he crafted and adjusted my nutrition plan based on the photos. With his guidance, I continued to improve and took 3rd place in the 1999 Natural Ohio Classic and first place in the 2000 Powerhouse Classic. Karen gave birth to our son, David, in 2000 and our daughter, Jordan, in 2003. A career relocation to East Lake, FL, started the new millennium for us.
Lifting and personal goals gave way to family goals. I coached David in baseball, soccer, and football. I was fortunate to have the opportunity to coach him through high school. I was the "Cheer Dad" to Jordan, and we traveled the state to competitive cheerleading events (as well as spotting her in the living room as she perfected her back handspring).
A few more years passed. David and Jordan were moving on to college. I looked at myself and found that at 54, I weighed 221lbs (almost 75 pounds heavier than when I had competed 20 years prior). In September, I made it my mission to get back in shape. I started working out again, paying attention to my diet, and started to feel and look better. I began wondering, "Could I get back on stage?" I sought advice from a former Natural Mr. Universe, John Hansen, and started using Beverly products again. UMP, Mass Aminos, Ultra 40, and Lean Out helped me reduce my waist from 42" to 34" while adding muscle.
The Covid pandemic came along, but I still set my sights on entering the NGA Hurricane Classic in September of 2020. I entered the NGA Hurricane Classic at 179lbs, 42 pounds less than when I started my prep. I took 3rd in the Masters Bodybuilding 50+ division. The judges' critique was that I had good muscle size and symmetry, but I needed to get leaner. Six weeks later, I entered the NGA Central Florida Fall Classic. I lost another 12lbs and 2" more off my waist in those six weeks, coming in at 167lbs with a 32" waist. The addition of Beverly's 7-Keto MuscLean and GH Factor to my supplement plan helped me accelerate my fat loss while maintaining muscle mass.
Those additional six weeks of training, cardio, dieting, and my Beverly supplement plan paid off. I was awarded 1st place in Masters Bodybuilding 40+ (at 54 years of age) and 3rd in Open Mens Bodybuilding.
My new goal is to win a Masters Overall Bodybuilding competition. Six months to go, and I have already started getting ready. I will continue to improve and get harder and leaner with Beverly International products. I'm not only a Beverly product user but also a retailer of Beverly products. If you are looking in the Tampa Bay area to find Beverly products locally, go to
I am also on Facebook and Instagram @docmuscle10. Please follow or reach out to me.
Workout Plan: 2 Days On – 1 Day Off
I follow the same basic workout plan both off-season and pre-contest. The only difference is the addition of cardio during pre-contest. To illustrate, I've listed a recent workout from my training journal. Since machines differ, some of the weights listed may be different if performed on another machine. But this is an excellent approximation of what my actual workout looks like. Remember, I am 54 years old, weigh in the 170s, have laid off for 20 years before coming back, and am 100% natural.
Day 1: Back, Biceps
- Pullover (90x12, 160x8, 170x7, 170x7)
- 1-Arm Lat Pulldown (70x10, 80x8, 80x8 )
- T-Bar Row (90x10, 125x8, 145x6)
- Cable Row (65x10, 85x7, 85x7)
- Hyperextension (BWx25 x 3 sets)
- Barbell Curl (70x10, 90x8, 90x8)
- Hammer Curl (40x10, 45x8, 45x7)
- Concentration Curl (20x12, 25x10)
Day 2: Abs, Legs
- Leg Raise (30, 25, 25)
- Crunches (25, 20, 20)
- Leg Extension (80x15, 95x12, 110x10)
- Leg Press (180x12, 360x10, 540x10, 590x8)
- Hack Squat (270x12, 470x8, 470x8)
- Leg Curl (90x10, 110x7, 110x7)
- Straight Leg Deadlift (135x12, 185x10, 225x8)
- Glute Machine (60x15, 60x12, 60x12)
- Seated Calf (90x15, 140x10, 140x9)
- Standing Calf (120x12, 135x10, 150x8)
Day 3: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
- Bench Press (185x10, 225x8, 245x6, 245x6)
- Incline Press (185x8, 205x6, 205x6)
- DB Flyes (70x8, 75x6, 75x6)
- Machine Pullovers (80x12, 90x10, 100x8)
- Military Press (90x12, 160x8, 170x6, 170x6)
- Lateral Raise (30x10, 35x9, 35x9)
- DB Shrug (75x8, 80x6, 80x6)
- Triceps Pushdowns (70x12, 80x10, 90x8)
- Lying Extensions (40x10, 50x9, 60x7)
- Dips (12, 10, 10)

Cardio Plan
For contest prep, I perform the same workout as above, but with added cardio. I have NO favorite cardio but used the treadmill, elliptical, Stairmaster, and bike to burn extra calories.
12 weeks out:
15 minutes on the elliptical machine every other day
8 weeks out:
20 minutes a day every workout day
4 weeks out:
20 minutes of elliptical on workout days and 20 minutes Stairmaster on my off days (or went for a ride on the bike).
Meal & Supplement Plan
This is the basic meal plan that I used to reduce my weight from 220lbs to 179lbs and my waist from 42” to 34”.
Meal One
- One scoop UMP
- ¹⁄₂ cup oatmeal
- ¹⁄₂ cup blueberries
- 6 Ultra 40
- 6 Mass Aminos
- 2 Lean Out
- 3 7-Keto MuscLean
Meal Two
- One whole egg
- 6 egg whites
- 1 Ezekiel muffin
- 2 Lean Out
Meal Three
- 6oz tuna fish
- 130g sweet potato
- 3oz broccoli
- 6 Ultra 40
- 6 Mass Aminos
- 2 Lean Out
Meal Four
- UMP Protein Shake
- 2 slices Ezekiel bread
- 2 Lean Out
- Three 7-Keto MuscLean
Meal Five
- One whole egg
- 7 egg whites
- 1 slice Ezekiel bread
- 6 Ultra 40
- 6 Mass Aminos
- 2 Lean Out
In addition, I use Quadracarn throughout the year as a precursor to increase testosterone production. I always feel leaner, stronger, and have more energy with it. I also use Energy Reserve before weights and cardio. It gives me a pick-me-up for those exhausting days in the gym.

Final 6 Weeks' Meal Plan
My weight dropped 12 lbs and my waist another 2 inches. I kept my protein up, lowered my carbs, increased my fats, and added cardio. The Mass Aminos and Ultra 40 liver tablets helped keep my energy up and maintain as much muscle as possible. (From what the judges said, I kept most of that hard-earned muscle and symmetry while gaining a lot more definition.)
I used UMP Angel Food Cake in my coffee instead of creamer to get in more protein and add a little variety. It mixes easily and tastes like French Vanilla creamer.
I also added GH Factor during this phase of my diet. Take 12 capsules daily - 6 upon arising and 6 before bed. Alternatively, you can take 2 with each meal and 2 before bed.
Meal One
- One scoop UMP
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 6 Ultra 40
- 6 Mass Aminos
- 2 Lean Out
- three 7-Keto MuscLean
Meal Two
- One whole egg
- 6 egg whites
- 1 slice Ezekiel bread
- 2 Lean Out
Meal Three
- 6oz chicken
- 3oz broccoli
- 6 Ultra 40
- 6 Mass Aminos
- 2 Lean Out
Meal Four
- UMP Protein Shake
- 2 Lean Out
- three 7-Keto MuscLean
Meal Five
- 6oz salmon
- 3oz broccoli
- 6 Ultra 40
- 6 Mass Aminos
- 2 Lean Out