Bodybuilder to Men’s Physique Competition


At a Glance: Steve Mousharbash

Age: 28

Occupation / Education: Self-employed; bachelor’s degree in Building Construction Management, Minor in Business.

Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida

Height: 6′0″

Off season weight: 210; Competition weight: 185

Years training: 12 years

Favorite Bodybuilding Meal: Steak and sweet potatoes with cinnamon and stevia What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly International supplements before? I have always recommended UMP, Muscle Provider and Glutamine Select for building muscle. For fat loss I recommend Lean Out and 7-Keto, they are the safest and most effective fat burners out there.

In your CD player: It seems that I get asked this question at the gym just as much as what supplements I take and what I eat. I like a mix of things. When pumping iron, I like something upbeat and heavy, on the the stairmaster I listen to classical piano. When I am on the track doing sprint and agility work, I like to listen to hip hop. Long distance runs, country or jazz.

Hobby or interests outside bodybuilding: Sitting down at the piano and playing

Most Inspiring Book: The Bible

Words to live by: 4.Phil 4:13: I can do everything through him who gives me strength.


When I reflect on my life, I am forever indebted to teachers, coaches and mentors who offered their wisdom, encouragement, training and guidance.

I grew up in a very structured and disciplined household. My mom was an educator who believed in excellence. She taught me to always strive for a balanced life. She emphasized that having a good head on your shoulders was far more valuable than just being great at sports.

Here’s How I Did It nutrition and physical training

Still, I did play sports from the time I could walk all the way into college, but, because of her I also learned how to use time management to keep my grades high. I also took piano lessons for 10 years. Learning how to manage sports, grades, piano, and other interests at a young age helped mold me into what I hope is a disciplined, well rounded individual.

Good grades through high school supported my admission to the University of North Florida and I graduated cumma sum laude with a B.S. in Building Construction Management and minor in Business Management. I was fortunate to obtain experience in construction project management while in college. Recently, I have been able to transfer those specific skills, problem solving ability, and hard work into co-founding a business in fine art brokerage, transport and exhibit installation.

Regular participation in athletics required maintenance of proper health, nutrition and disciplined physical training. I was always intrigued by the effects of diet on athletic performace and musculature. I maintained a daily workout routine through college along with a full time job. But it was only when I was asked by a friend to cook his food to help him prepare for a show that I became interested in competing in bodybuilding myself. I decided to get as muscularly big as possible, and did just that. I ate like a machine and used just about every product that Beverly International offered to prepare for the 2010 all-natural MuscleMania Universe show in Miami, FL. I placed third of eighteen competitors in my weight class. But, I felt like a moving wall walking around at 240 pounds. I not only found it difficult to run, but realized that all of a sudden I was intimmidating to many people, even my friends.

Lucky for me, I found out that the NPC was starting a "Men’s Physique" division, basically the "beach body look" in 2011. It seemed like a good fit for my fitness goals. I stopped lifting for mass and started lifting for conditioning, targeted my Beverly International supplement program to fat loss and lean muscularity, found a good trainer, and by using HIIT training; I dropped fifty pounds (240 to 190 pounds) in five months and felt fantastic. I placed first in the Men’s Physique division at the 2011 Dexter Jackson Classic. Now I had demonstrated that Beverly International products work both for gaining mass and for chiseled reduction to achieve specific results.

More on the NPC Mens Physique Division and How I Did It

I think the Men’s Physique division is a great fit for me, and in fact, anyone because it promotes living a healthier lifestyle and it allows you to stay in great condition all year round! I also feel the Men’s Physique division is more of what society is leaning towards as far as a leaner, healthier physique is concerned. One thing that really stood out for me is the comradery of all the competitors. In bodybuilding it seemed like everybody wants to one up you. In Men’s Physique everyone is supporting each other and it’s like we’re just a bunch of friends going out on stage to have a blast! I encourage anyone that has ever thought about competing to start in the NPC Men’s physique division. There are some great guys to get to know and it is quite possible you will create many long term friendships along the way.

After submitting my article to Beverly International, Sandy asked me, How many pounds did you have to lose to get into Men’s Physique contest shape?

This was an interesting question. My first competition in the Men’s Physique division was May of 2011. I knew the judges were going to be looking for the beach body look, a great six pack and a nice chest and arms. I started my prep in December, 2010. I focused on losing extra bulk that I didn’t need or want for Men’s Physique. I dropped 50 pounds in 5 months, going from 240lbs to walking on stage in May at 190. I placed 6th and was happy with the placing considering I had no real idea of what the judges were looking for. I later had an opportunity to ask the judges how I could improve. Their response was that I was too muscular and that they wanted me to tone down some to where I resembled a physique competitor rather than a pure bodybuilder.
I took their critique to heart, lost another five pounds and placed first at the Dexter Jackson Classic.

Here’s an outline of my contest prep:

6:45 am-7:45 am:
7-Keto, Lean Out and Super Pak; then cardio, Stairmaster, or treadmill.

8am MEAL 1:
½ cup egg whites and 1 scoop Muscle Provider; 1 cup oatmeal (dry measurement), and 2 tablespoons Peanut Butter, 1-2 cups coffee (45-50 grams protein, 60 grams carbs, 18-20 grams fat)

10 am MEAL 2:
6 oz. chicken breast or fish, 1 cup rice, 1 tablespoon olive oil (36 grams Protein, 60 carbs, 10 grams fat)

12:30p.m. MEAL 3:
6 oz. chicken breast or fish, ¾ cup rice, 1 serving veggies (green beans, spinach, cucumber, asparagus, or broccoli)

1 serving of 7 Keto and Lean Out, Ultra 40, Energy Reserve and Up-Lift

workout, then 30 minutes of cardio; I consume a mixture of 2 scoops of Muscle Provider and 2 scoops of Glutamine Select while doing cardio.

3:00 pm MEAL 4:
6 oz. lean ground beef or 6 oz. lean steak, 1 cup rice (36g Protein, 60carbs, 12-16g fat)

5:30 pm MEAL 5:
6 oz. Fish (Salmon 2x/week), ¾ rice, 1 serving veggies (green beans, spinach, cucumber, asparagus, or broccoli), 1 serving of Ultra 40 (36g Protein, 45carbs, 4-8g fat)

7:00 pm Supplements:
1 serving of 7 Keto and Lean Out, Ultra 40

8 pm MEAL 6:
6 oz. chicken or fish, ½ cup of rice (24 grams Protein, 30 carbs)

10:30 pm MEAL 7:
2 scoop UMP protein shake, 2 tbsp peanut butter (50 Protein, 12 carbs, 20 grams fat)

10:45 pm Supplements:
Probiotic, vitamin c, melatonin, Lean Out

As you can see from my diet, I enjoy using all of Beverly’s products; it just depends on the goal I am trying to achieve at that time, whether I am trying to bulk up, or just trying to get shredded. Beverly offers all the products I need! I like to keep things simple; that way I know where I have to make changes and when. That’s why I like Beverly’s products... they keep it basic and list all the ingredients so you know what you’re taking. They don’t have these secret proprietary blends where you don’t know what you’re putting into your body, or even if the product will work or not.

One thing I’ve found now that I’m a competitor at the National level – it doesn’t save you any money by trying to buy cheap products. It’s been my experience that I have had to take much larger quantities of the cheaper products to get even close to the same results that I was able to achieve when using Beverly products. If you’re interested in trying the Men’s Physique division, I definitely recommend investing in Muscle Provider, Glutamine Select, Lean Out, 7-Keto, Super Pak, Quadracarn and Density. As for my schedule with these products, I have found that all of them are best used starting 12 weeks out at small dosages and then adding more of each as it gets closer to show time. Every physical body is different, I have learned many of these techniques by building a good data base for myself, historical data is always great to have, and it gives you something to work from.


Abs, chest and arms are especially important for Men’s Physique. I always start with abs, but more specifically, with obliques. From obliques I move on to 3 different types of abdominal movements. I then perform 3 different movements of calf raises, completing 3 sets for each movement. Once I’ve completed my exercises for abs and calves I then move on to biceps and triceps. I always work bis and tris together and superset each movement.

In a total workout I complete 4 different movements for biceps and triceps and at the end of each movement I do one burnout set to failure.

During contest prep, I generally train 6 days a week, Monday through Saturday.

A typical schedule would be:
Day 1: Abs Calves Bi’s Tri’s
Day 2: Abs Calves Chest Back
Day 3: Abs Calves Legs Delts


Tips for Your Men’s Physique Prep

Board Shorts: I think the brand and color of shorts should be something that complements you, different manufacturers shape and cut the shorts different. As for myself, I was trying to find shorts that would fit my legs and come in enough to fit my waist... No luck! I still had to get my shorts tailored in because of my waist to thigh differential; my waist during contest time gets down to around 27 inches. They just don’t make off the rack shorts like that!

Tan: Before you walk on stage it is very important that you have a nice coat of tanner on. One of the good things about the Physique division is that they are going for a more natural look, so being extremely dark is unnecessary. I generally start tanning several weeks before and then go with 2 coats of Pro Tan. I’ve always used Pro Tan and never had any problems. Carb Load: My carb loading process changes every time I hit the stage. It is much different from how I carb loaded for bodybuilding. When I was bodybuilding I used much heavier carbs. For Men’s Physique I like to stay with lighter carbs such as rice and then switch to sweet potatoes for the last few meals.

Pump Up: My pump up generally takes 5-10 minutes. I don’t want to pump up too much. Pumping up too much causes me to appear too big. Because of this I mainly focus on staying tight. I start with push-ups and then move on to side shoulder raises and then finish with a quick set of biceps and triceps.

Contest Day Bag: PACK YOUR COOLER, you need salt-free rice cakes and peanut butter to get you through the prejudging. You never know the schedule, but these two staples will see you through. Keep a clean towel, it is sometimes slippery with everyone’s oil on the floor and you don’t want it on your feet. You also will need your I-Pod to listen to your music and help you stay relaxed and focused while you wait. Pack hairspray/gel, posing oil or any other preparation products you may need. Make sure you wear loose clothes and flip flops because your tan will bleed onto whatever you are wearing.

Final Thoughts

I have learned to embrace change and try new things, set goals, establish a reasonable routine, schedule it and hold to it even when it becomes difficult. Success comes from hard work, good management, and perseverance (and still more perseverance). Meet all your obligations in life, not just those concerned with your fitness. It’s not just about lifting or doing that extra 10 minutes of cardio, it’s relative to how you carry yourself outside the gym as well. Will I go the extra mile and show up at work on time? Will I make sure to take care of all my obligations without being overwhelmed by other obstacles?

So, it’s not just about being the best on stage it’s about being the best you can be in life too! With your mind strong, your body on point and your spirits high you can achieve anything!

Dawn Reichley

Posted in Men's Bodybuilding / Classic Physique / Physique, Most Popular.