Beverly International’s BLUEPRINTS FOR SUCCESS Intermediate Gain Muscle and Lose Fat Nutrition and Training Plan for Females

Female Nutrition Plan #1
GOAL: Increase and harden lean muscle, minimize fat, increase energy levels, and improve overall health. Your goal is controlled fat loss while increasing lean muscle.
SUPPLEMENTS: The following supplement schedule is the perfect plan to get your personal fat loss and lean muscle gain program off to a fabulous start.
Supplement Schedule
FitTabs Take 2 FitTabs multi vitamins with breakfast and 2 more with dinner
Lean Out take 2 caps with each meal and shake
Muscularity take 2 capsules with each meal
Glutamine Select mix 1-2 scoops in 8-16 oz water. Sip before or throughout training sessions
Eat 4-5 meals per day spaced 3-4 hours apart. Eat your last meal at least 1-2 hours before going to bed. Your goal will be to have 3 food meals and 1 or 2 protein shakes each day.
Basic Structure:
1 small serving protein
1 serving vegetables (optional)
1 serving complex or fibrous carbohydrate
Sample Meal: Omelet (3 egg whites + 1 whole egg + omelet vegetables), 1/2 cup oatmeal (add cinnamon or strawberries if you like)
Mid-Morning Snack
Protein Drink:
1-2 scoops UMP in water (for flavor and variety you can add 1tbsp almond butter or a couple of frozen strawberries or blueberries)
Basic Structure:
1 medium serving protein
2-3 servings vegetables
Sample Meal: 5oz lean meat (chicken or other lean protein source), 2 cups broccoli or 2 cups green beans; small salad
Mid Afternoon Snack
Protein Drink: Same as mid-morning snack (or you may use Muscle Provider in place of UMP)
Basic Structure:
1 large serving protein
2-3 servings vegetables
1 serving fat (dressing)
Sample Meal: 6oz salmon or very lean meat (chicken breast, fish, turkey breast, lean beef - sirloin, filet, etc.), 1-2 cups low carb vegetables, salad with 1 tbsp vinegar and oil dressing
Weekly Cheat Meal
Choose one meal each week to eat whatever you want

Figure Training Program #1
PRIMARY GOAL: Develop your physique to where you could consider entering a future figure, bikini or fitness competition.
1. Your weight training goal is to improve your muscularity and muscle tone while developing an athletic looking physique.
2. In order to achieve your training goal and be the best “you”, you must show progress in one or more of the following areas each time you work out:
• Amount of resistance or weight used for a particular set.
• Number of reps performed with a particular weight.
• Reduce the amount of rest time between sets.
• Train harder – go for the burn.
• Increase the sets.
• Train more often.
3. Some indispensable do’s and don’ts:
• Keep a workout journal. It can be a spiral notebook or as fancy as you like. Keep track of every training session. Use the “star” method * to track your progress. Every time you use a heavier weight than before on a set, get more reps with a particular weight, or complete a series of sets in less time give yourself a star in your journal. Use proper form.
• Make sure each exercise is working the correct area. Use a full range of motion on every exercise to develop pleasing muscularity and shape.
4. Train with weights 5 times per week. You can adjust the days as necessary but really try to get in 5 training sessions per week. We’ll be focusing on the parts that are especially important for the female physique – legs, back, shoulders, and arms (and of course abs and glutes).
Day 1: Legs (quad emphasis)
Day 2: Back/Delts/Biceps
Day 3: Chest/Triceps
Day 4: Legs (glute emphasis)
Day 5: Back/Delts/Arms
In this program you’ll use one of the oldest and most effective progression schemes, the Double Progressive System. After a warm-up, use the same weight for all sets. Start at the low end of the suggested rep range. Gradually increase the repetitions, usually adding one rep each week until you reach the top number of suggested reps for each set of a particular exercise. Then add weight and start over at the lower end of the rep scheme.
Use AS MUCH WEIGHT AS YOU CAN WITH PERFECT FORM for the target amount of reps. If you can do more reps than the target, add weight. If you can't get at least the lower recommended amount of reps, then lighten the weight slightly. Go pretty quick between sets. You should not rest more than 90 seconds between sets.
Monday: Legs (quad emphasis) | Amount |
Leg Press | 3x10-15 |
Squats | 3x8-12 |
Hack Squat | 3x10-15 *do the Hack Squats as One- and One-Half reps. This means go all the way down below parallel with your quads, then come half way up, then all the way back down, and then all the way up. This equals 1 repetition. |
Stiff-Legged Deadlift | 3x12 |
Leg Extensions | 3x12 |
Abs | 8 sets of 25-50 reps (use any variety of exercises you want) |
Tuesday: Back, Delts, Biceps (light day) | Amount |
One Arm DB Row | 3x8-10 |
Pulldowns | 3x8-12 |
Seated Cable Row | 3x8-12 (or do any seated machine row) |
DB Lateral Raise | 3x10 each way (bent-over lateral, side lateral, front raise) |
Cable Curl | 3x8-12 |
Incline DB Curl | 3x8-10 |
Calf Raises | 6-8 sets of 15 reps on any combination of machines |
Wednesday: Chest, Triceps | Amount |
Incline DB Press | 4x6-10 |
Flat Dumbbell Press | 4x8-12 |
Pec Deck | 3x8-12 |
Triceps Pushdowns | 4x8-12 |
Lying Triceps Ext | 4x10-12 |
Abs | 6 sets of 15-25 reps |
Thursday: Legs (glute emphasis) | Amount |
Romanian Dead Lift | 3x10-15 (superset with next exercise) |
Wide Leg Press | 3x10-15 |
Leg Curl | 3x6-8 (superset with next exercise) |
Walking Lunge | 3x12-15 steps with each foot |
Leg Extension | 3x12 (superset with next exercise) |
Smith Machine Squat | 3x12 non-lock |
Calf Raises | 6-8 sets of 15 reps on any combination of machines |
Friday: Back, Delts, Biceps, Triceps | Amount |
Shoulder Press | 3x6-10 (superset with next exercise) |
Lat Pulldowns | 3x8-12 |
Upright Rows | 3x8-10 (superset with next exercise) |
Straight-Arm Pulldowns | 3x10-12 |
Bent Over Laterals | 3x10-12 (superset with next exercise) |
Seated Cable Row | 3x8-12 |
Barbell or EZ Curl | 3x6-10 (superset with next exercise) |
Close Grip Bench Press | 3x6-10 |
Concentration Curl | 2x10-12 |
Dips or Triceps Dips | 2x10-15 |
Abs | 8 sets of 25-50 reps (use any variety of machines or exercises you want) |
Bonus Exercises:
It is very beneficial for the female interested in developing a pleasing, athletic physique to perform push-ups and chins (assisted or inverted on a Smith Machine) as often as possible. It can be as part of your cardio or at the end of your workout. To progress - just try to go for a greater cumulative number each week. If you do ten push-ups each workout of week one, that’s 50 cumulative reps; next week – beat that total.
The best times to do your cardio are in the mornings, after your weight training or in the evening before bed. 20-30-minute HIIT workouts, 3-5 days per week would be perfect.