Angling for an Edge

Ever since I can remember, I was involved in the outdoors with my dad. I like to call it following the good old country boy lifestyle. Not quite to the extreme that he was able to experience growing up, but I’m sure it was close.

Long before I was old enough to have my hunting license, I remember walking around with a Daisy Red Ryder BB Gun, and I couldn’t even tell you how old I was. Maybe four or five. Just old enough to be able to cock it using both hands and bracing the butt of the gun between my thighs for leverage.


Around the same age, I would get to go with Dad and sit in the deer stand. His stand was an old-school style that he had built himself. It was made for only one person with a single platform wedged between a giant tree that split into two trunks.

He made some changes once I could go with him, so I had my own platform below him to sit under his feet. I remember falling asleep so many times in that stand before sunrise hit.

After a few years of learning the tricks of the trade and practicing shooting, starting out with .410 shotguns, & .22 rifles, I could take a hunter’s education course at age 9 and get my license. From there, it was game on!

With fishing, man, that started as soon as I could hold a little Zebco Rod with a push-button reel. Whether it was fishing off the bank, going on Dad’s boat, or ice fishing, I was there.

I’d say that the best thing my father introduced me to was river fishing and wading the river. It would be just me and him, or a group of a few family members wading miles and miles from bridge to bridge catching smallmouth bass. You had one rod and reel, a handful of lures tucked in a Ziploc bag or hook onto your hat, and you’d be off for the day. There were no cell phones or any connection to the outside world. I don’t remember if we even had food.

I was around 10 when I fished in my first tournament. This was a tournament with kids only, and I won; from there, I was ready to go pro!

I continued with my hunting and some serious fishing through high school, and that’s where I was first exposed to what became another passion – lifting. I began lifting for football but didn’t get serious until after college.

As I became more serious about lifting, I saw a direct link between my physical condition and my ability to win or place high in fishing tournaments.

Being physically fit will always help with competitive fishing, whether pedaling a Hobie Kayak all day or standing on the front deck of a bass boat for 8+ hours in the wind and waves. The main advantage, though, is from a mental standpoint. Both tournament fishing and getting the most from a workout in the gym take a mental focus and require that competitive edge many don’t have.

This competitive and mental focus keeps me in the mindset that I’m in it to win it, and I can’t live without fishing or fitness. I fish around 10-15 tournaments each year. I try to fish the larger tournaments and go for the “home run” every time. My goal is always to win, and if not, finish 2nd or 3rd because that’s where the money is.

In closing, I’m thankful for my dad and everything he taught me. My goal is 100% to share the same with my boy, Jaxon, and somehow get him to experience the same style of life that I was fortunate enough to live throughout my childhood.


After being introduced to Beverly International several years ago, UMP Protein shakes, UMP Protein Bars, the Super Pak, Joint Care, and EFA Gold have been staples in my daily food plan throughout the year. All are easy to pack while on the go for fishing trips/tournaments as well as to keep at home ready to go for everyday use.

Up-Lift and Fast Up are critical in getting great workouts in or when you need that extra boost during the workday. For me, I love them in the mornings before my fishing tournaments. Also, during the tournament, while I’m on the water all day, I need something I can eat quickly. Something that has both carbs and proteins that supply me with energy. With that, I eat quite a few UMP Protein Bars and some easy-to-eat fruit.


My training program varies from week to week, but I try to get to the gym 4-6 days per week, depending on my responsibilities.

One week may look like this:
Day 1 Chest
Day 2 Back
Day 3 Legs
Day 4 Shoulders
Day 5 Arms

The following week, I’ll mix it up with the following schedule.
Day 1 Chest and Back Supersets
Day 2 Arms and Shoulders Supersets Day 3 Legs
Day 4 Push
Day 5 Pull

I’m no pro by any stretch, but I accomplish a lot in a 45-60-minute workout. I train at a fast pace (30-60 seconds rest between sets and supersets). Using heavier weights (but still under good control) with short rest periods can go a long way in building and maintaining muscle and burning fat. It’s worked for me, even with straying from healthy eating occasionally.


Sample Chest and Arms workouts

Warm Up
Light Machine Flys 3x20
DB Incline Press 5x12
Low Incline DB Press 5x10
Incline DB Hex Press / Incline Supinated Grip Fly (Superset) 5x10
High to Low Cable Fly 5x12

The following exercises are performed as supersets or tri-sets.
Light EZ Bar Curls / V Bar Triceps Pushdown 3x30
Cable Curls / Triceps Pushdown 5x12
Concentration Curl / Triceps Rope Pushdown 5x12
EZ Bar Curl / Reverse Grip Pushdown / Hammer Curl 5x12

Posted in 2023 Collection, Men's Bodybuilding / Classic Physique / Physique.