A Life In Bodybuilding: Natural Pro Bodybuilder, Prep Coach, Gym Owner, & Promoter
No Nonsense Magazine Vol 24, #4
By: Josh Miller

At a Glance: Josh Miller
Age: 42
Occupation or Education: Gym Owner/ Personal Trainer, M Club Fit Transformation (two locations in Lexington, KY)
Family: Wife (married 21 years), no children, 1 dog (Oliver), 1 cat (Rooney)
Current Residence: Lexington, KY
Years training: 25 years
Height: 6’0"
Weight: Off Season 195, Contest 175
Favorite Bodybuilding Meal: Breakfast (Egg Whites, Oatmeal, Berries)
Favorite Supplements: UMP and Muscle Synergy
What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly supplements before? Definitely use UMP (all flavors are amazing)
Music: Praise and Worship
Most Inspiring Book: Bible
Hobbies or interests outside Bodybuilding: Motivational Speaking
Words to live by: "It's in your moments of Decision that your Destiny is shaped" ~Tony Robbins
Fitness, nutrition, and athletics have always been a passion of mine. Growing up as a kid from eastern Kentucky, I had a dream of becoming a professional bodybuilder. Even from a very young age, I always had a desire to exercise and eat healthy. I remember asking my dad at the age of 6 to teach me how to do push-ups and sit-ups. I can also recall always seeking healthy foods for my nutrition. I avoided sugary foods and only wanted to drink water. As I grew older, I became heavily involved in sports and recognized that training and proper nutrition had given me an advantage.
Fast-forward several years; I graduated from Morehead State University with a degree in Exercise Science. I was excited to begin my career as a personal trainer. After gaining some experience, I learned that much more goes into this profession than writing workout programs and meal plans. I knew early on that effective workouts and meal plans alone were not the only secret to success. I had to find ways to keep my clients focused and motivated. I had to help them develop self-discipline and teach them its rewards. It does a client no good to have an effective program if they do not have the focus and self-discipline to follow through. I began to ask myself, what makes people successful? How can I implement proven success strategies with the many different personalities
I work with every day? I realized that I must first believe in them for my clients to succeed.
Keys to Success
It is vitally important that I instill a strong positive mental mindset in my clients. Here are the keys I use every day with them:
- I must Believe in my client
- I must Instill Discipline in my client
- I must keep them focused
- Have a specific Outcome in mind
- Have an effective Action Plan (and adjust it accordingly)
- Have a Deadline on when the goal is to be accomplished
- Have the clients on a good supplement plan
- Clients must surround themselves with a good supportive network of friends.
After seven years of personal training in local gyms, I decided to open my own business, which I originally called Transformation Personal Training. It's still going strong eleven years later. It's now named M Club Fit Transformation. I feel very privileged and honored to have worked with each client. Not only have I had the benefit of helping them achieve their goals, but each of them has helped me in more ways than they will ever know.

Bodybuilding Career
In March of 2006, I competed as a bodybuilder for the first time. I won the open middleweight weight class at that show, and I was hooked ever since. I fell in love with the sport. I continuously wanted to train and compete. I have now competed in over 25 shows with 15 class titles, earning my NGA pro card in 2014. I currently have four pro show wins. Because of my passion for natural bodybuilding, I couldn't help but share that passion with others. So in May of 2013, I promoted the state's first natural bodybuilding contest as a non-sanctioned event. I sanctioned the show with the National Gym Association (NGA) the following year. I am now the NGA state chairman for Kentucky. I promote two Natural Bodybuilding shows a year, the NGA Pro/Am Kentucky Natural Classic held every April in Lexington, Ky, and the NGA Pro/Am Bluegrass Bodybuilding Championships held every September in Lexington, Ky.
As a promoter and coach, it's important that I teach the true value of bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is so much more than just standing on stage. It is about who you become in the process. To become an elite competitor, one must develop character, discipline, and focus. Once this process is mastered, the same success principles can be utilized in any area of life.
Sample Meal Plan / Supplement List
I cannot say enough about Beverly International supplements. I rely on them every day. They are a huge component of my success and the success of my clients. It is imperative to utilize supplements as a part of your nutrition program for the natural bodybuilder. The following is a sample of how my prep begins. However, my meals may change from week to week throughout my prep according to my progress.
Supplement List
All supplements are from Beverly International:
Muscularity: (2 capsules with breakfast,
2 with lunch, 2 with dinner)
Mass Amino Acids: (2 tablets with mid-morning snack, 2 with mid-afternoon snack)
Muscle Synergy: (2 scoops while training) Creatine Select: (1 scoop daily just before training)
Muscle Provider: (1-2 scoops immediately following my workout)
UMP: (2 scoops for an evening snack)
1 cup liquid egg whites, ¹⁄₂ cup of oatmeal (measured before cooking), ¹⁄₂ cup blueberries
Calories: 392 - Protein: 37g - Carbs: 43g - Fats: 11g
Snack #1
16 almonds, 1 grapefruit
Calories: 185 - Protein: 6g - Carbs: 22g - Fat: 10g
8oz of Tilapia, ¹⁄₂ cup Quinoa, 1 cup broccoli Calories: 337 - Protein: 45g - Carbs: 28g - Fat: 6g
Snack #2
2 Scoops Muscle Provider, ¹⁄₂ tbsp peanut butter, 2 rice cakes
Calories: 337 - Protein: 46g - Carbs: 24g - Fat: 5g
8oz chicken, 6oz sweet potato, 10 asparagus spears
Calories: 425 - Protein: 57g - Carbs: 28g - Fat: 6g
Snack #3
2 scoops Ultimate Muscle Protein (UMP)
Calories: 250 - Protein: 43g - Carbs: 4g - Fat: 7g
Daily totals
Calories: 1,916 - Protein: 231g - Carbs: 155g - Fats: 45g
Drink 1-gallon water daily

Workout Plan
I have always worked out six days a week, working each muscle group twice/week. The workouts do change periodically, but the following is a sample of what they typically look like:

Three days for 25 minutes
Chest and Triceps (Monday/Thursday)
Barbell Bench Press 5x5
Incline Press 3x10
Dumbell Flye 3x10
Cable Cross-Overs 3x10
Dips 3x10
Triceps Pressdown 3x10
Skull Crusher 3x10
Dumbell Triceps Extensions 3x10
Bench Dips 3x20
Back and Biceps (Tuesday/Friday)
Pull-ups (3 sets to failure)
Lat Pulldown 3x10
Low Row 3x10
1-Arm Dumbell Row 3x10
Hyperextension 3x15
Barbell Curl 3x10
Alternating Dumbell Curl 3x10
Cable Curl 3x10
Legs and Shoulders (Wednesday/Saturday)
Squat 5x10
Leg Press 3x10
DB Walking Lunges 3x20 steps
Romanian Deadlift 3x10
Leg Extension 3x10
Leg Curl 3x10
DB Shoulder Press 3x10
DB Rear Delt Flye 3x15
DB Lateral Raise 3x15
Six sets of 30 reps of floor crunches/ or any abdominal exercise of my choice after each workout.
In Closing
I have earned a lot of titles - gym owner, competitive bodybuilder for 15 years and counting, show promoter, contest prep coach, and NGA state chairman. I have worked with many people in the fitness and bodybuilding industry, and it is an honor to have a part in the success of so many people. I must say Beverly International has always been a major contributor to my success and the success of my clients. I have always advised my clients to use Beverly International because they are the best quality supplements on the market. They have stood the test of time!