15 Pounds of Muscle and an IFBB Pro Card with Beverly International
No Nonsense Magazine Vol 23, #4
By: Jeremy Jones, IFBB Mens Physique Pro

At a Glance: Jeremy Jones, IFBB Mens Physique Pro
Age: 42
Occupation: Air Force Health Administrator. Masters in Business Administration, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, NASM Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Family: wife - Laura; children - Jade, Jeremy Jr, Jaslyn
Current Residence: Washingtonville, NY
Years training (total): 27
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 210lbs (off season), 190 (contest)
Favorite Bodybuilding Meal: Beef & broccoli with brown rice
What would you recommend to someone who has never used Beverly supplements before? At a minimum, use UMP, Ultra 40, and Mass Amino Acids to aid the muscle building process.
Music: Rap/ R&B
Most Inspiring Book: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Hobby or interests outside bodybuilding: Continuous education and reading
Words to live by: When they say it can’t be done, they’re not talking to me.
I ’ve been working out or playing sports for more than 27 years. While serving on active duty in the Air Force, I played intramural basketball, football, and softball. I currently serve in the Air National Guard as a Health Administrator. I enjoyed lifting heavy, but didn’t focus on bodybuilding until I finished Air Force Squadron Officer School.
Even then, I never really thought about competing until several people at Gold’s Gym in Newburgh repeatedly asked me if I competed. The answer was always, “No that’s not for me.” Then about two years later I saw a picture of some of the NPC Mens Physique athletes and thought I could remain natural and compete in that division. April of 2015 is when I decided to start prepping for my first show. I did an insane amount of cardio. I’m talking a minimum of 60 minutes a day. I didn’t win, but I did finish in the top 5. One of the judges asked me who my posing coach was and I told him, “YouTube”. The judges liked my physique but my posing needed work. Anyway, that’s how bodybuilding started for me.
I weighed 177lbs for that first competition in June of 2015. Over the next four years, I’ve managed to gain 15lbs of muscle through consistent training, proper nutrition, and the use of Beverly International supplements while remaining 100% natural. I learned about Beverly International when I was in the House of Nutrition in Poughkeepsie, NY. Matt, the owner put a No Nonsense magazine in my bag. Later that day I had a chance to read the magazine and read that the supplements were designed for natural athletes. I did some additional research, talked to Matt in depth the next time I was in the store, and ended up making my first Beverly International purchase.
Competition Tips
Do your research. Learn the requirements for your division (weight, posing, suits, rules).
There’s no blanket time for how long each individual’s prep will be. Remember it’s how you look not a number on a scale. For in shape guys, I’d say 12 weeks would be a good target and for in shape ladies, I’d give them 20 weeks.
Give yourself an additional 4 weeks to experiment with peak week if you don’t have a coach. This will give you a chance to play with your water, sodium and carb intake. Remember for every gram of carbohydrate stored in the body you’ll retain 2-3 grams of water. I’ve found that gradually cutting water until it’s just sips the day of the show, reducing sodium to about 75% of your norm the day before, and carb loading the day before the show seems to be the most consistent way to help my athletes to avoid spilling over. How you look on show day will determine if you continue to carb load or not.
Along the way people will try to deviate you from your plan. It will seem like everyone in the gym is an expert. They’ll all have an opinion. Don’t let them distract you! Follow your plan all the way through.
Invest time in your posing. Having the best physique doesn’t guarantee victory. The last thing you want is to not place well because of poor posing. Practice! Practice! Practice! As you get closer to the show realize that your poses may need to change a little as new definition and striations appear. All the practicing will also help you be a little less nervous on stage. Remember, the judges and the crowd don’t know your routine so even if you do mess up keep going because they probably will not notice. Most importantly, have FUN out there!!!
A final word of advice - Know yourself! If you need someone to hold you accountable, I suggest you find a coach with your values and best interests in mind. If you don’t have a coach, give yourself another four-week cushion for your contest prep. This will allow you to play around with a few peak week regimens.
In Closing
I’ve always been and will always be a natural athlete. I’m also a NASM certified personal trainer, fitness nutrition specialist and prep coach. I’ve earned a pro card naturally in the IFBB using Beverly International products. As a prep coach, I have helped athletes win several shows as well. My goal is to inspire other athletes who want to achieve their ultimate level of fitness without compromising their health.
Contact Jeremy at: jeremyjonesifbbpro@gmail.com
IG: superj34_ifbbpro
Facebook: facebook.com/superj34
YouTube content coming August 2020.

Initially, I took Matt’s recommendation, but over time have developed my own favorite stacks. The core supplements I use both on and off season are Ultra 40 and Mass Amino Acids. My favorite supplement for muscle growth is Muscle Synergy. The increased strength and muscle pumps from Muscle Synergy are undeniable. During contest prep GH Factor really brings out my vascularity.
Here are my favorite off season and contest prep stacks.
Off-Season: Ultra 40, Mass Amino Acids, Glutamine Select, UMP, Super Pak, Muscle Synergy, Quadracarn
Contest Prep: Ultra 40, Mass Amino Acids, Density, Glutamine Select, UMP, Super Pak, Lean Out, 7-Keto MuscLean, GH Factor
Pre-Contest Diet
Meal #1: 1/2 cup steel cut oats w/ 1 scoop of chocolate UMP and a sprinkle of cinnamon
Meal #2: 1/2 scoops of UMP and 1 scoop Glutamine Select post AM workout
Meal #3: 8oz chicken, 4oz sweet potatoes, and 5oz broccoli
Meal #4: 1/2 scoops of UMP and 1 scoop Glutamine Select post 2nd workout
Meal #5: 8oz lean ground turkey, 4oz brown rice, 5oz asparagus
Meal #6: 8oz tilapia, 4oz sweet potatoes, 5oz Brussels sprouts
Supplement Schedule
Ultra 40: 4-5 tabs after every meal or shake (muscle growth)
Mass Amino Acids: 4-5 tabs after every meal or shake (muscle preservation)
Glutamine Select: 1 scoop after morning & lunchtime workout (muscle recovery)
UMP or Muscle Provider: 1/2 scoops after morning & lunchtime workout
Super Pak: With first meal (to avoid vitamin deficiencies during prep)
Lean Out: 1 capsule after every meal and before workouts (used to convert fat into energy)
7-Keto MuscLean: 3 capsules first thing in the morning and 3 capsules before lunchtime workout (increased caloric burn)
GH Factor: 1 capsule after each meal (increases nutrient delivery and blood flow to muscles)
I train twice a day during contest prep – cardio or abs in the morning with my weights workout in the afternoon.
On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings I do cardio - 30 minutes of low intensity stairs or walking on the treadmill at an incline (the greater the incline the more calories burned) – 2-minute warm up and 2-minute cool down for all cardio sessions.
On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I work abs and a little cardio:
Leg Raise on dip bar: 4 sets 12-15 reps, Decline Sit-ups: 4 sets 12-15 reps, Russian Twists: 4 sets 12-15 reps, Oblique Crunch with Cable: 4 sets, 12-15 reps plus 24-30 minutes of HIIT - 60 seconds sprint at 60-80% max speed followed by a 60 second walk (repeat cycle 12-15 times).
Sunday: Rest
Monday PM: Legs | Amount |
Squat | 4x10-12 |
Reverse Lunge | 4x10-12 |
Leg Press | 4x12-15 |
Leg Extension | 4x12-15 |
Abductor Machine | 3x12-15 |
Weighted Glute Bridge | 3x12-15 |
Calf Raise | 3x12-15 |
Tuesday PM: Chest & Triceps | Amount |
Flat Barbell Bench | 4x10-12 |
Incline Dumbbell Bench | 4x10-12 |
Decline Barbell Bench | 4x12-15 |
Cable Chest Flye | 4x12-15 |
Cable Triceps Extension W/ Rope | 3x12-15 |
Single Arm Cable Triceps Extension | 3x12-15 |
Triceps Kickback | 3x12-15 |
Skull Crusher | 3x12-15 |
Wednesday PM: Back & Biceps | Amount |
Wide Grip Pulldown | 3x10-12 |
Close Grip Pulldown | 3x10-12 |
T-Bar Row | 4x12-15 |
Straight Arm Pulldown | 4x12-15 |
Dumbbell Row | 3x12-15 |
Standing Barbell Curl | 3x10-12 |
Dumbbell Concentration Curl | 4x12-15 |
Dumbbell Hammer Curl | 4x12-15 |
Thursday PM: Shoulders | Amount |
DB Military Press | 4x10-12 |
Seated DB Front Raise | 4x12-15 |
Seated Lateral Raise | 4x12-15 |
Incline Rear Delt Raise | 4x12-15 |
DB Shoulder Shrugs | 4x12-15 |
Face Pulls w/ Cables | 4x12-15 |
Friday PM: Legs | Amount |
Squat | 4x10-12 |
Front Squat | 4x10-12 |
Walking Lunges | 4x12-15 |
Deadlift | 4x10-15 |
DB Straight Leg Deadlift | 3x12-15 |
Standing Leg Curl | 3x12-15 |
Seated Leg Curl | 3x12-15 |
Calf Raise | 3x12-15 |
Saturday PM: Chest, Back, Arms | Amount |
Reverse Grip Flat Bench | 4x12-15 (2 Wide Grip/ 2 Close Grip) |
Machine Cable Flye | 3x12-15 |
Reverse Grip Pulldowns | 4x12-15 (2 Wide Grip/ 2 Close Grip) |
Barbell Row | 3x12-15 |
Hammer Curl | 3x12-15 |
Preacher Curl | 3x12-15 |
Reverse Grip Triceps Extension | 3x12-15 |
Parallel Bar | 3x12-15 |