- Blueprints for Success
- Training for Figure and Fitness
- Training Programs for Mass and Power
- Training Programs for Maximum Muscular Development
- Intermediate Training Program #1 (Complete Development of All Muscle Groups)
- Intermediate Training Program #2 (Muscle Size Building)
- Intermediate Training Program #3 (Back to the Basics for Maximum Muscle Size)
- Intermediate Training Program #4 (Continuous Quality Improvement for the Natural Athlete)
- Contest Training Programs
- Specific Bodypart Training
Train 2 days on, 1 day off.
Your training journal is an integral part of this program. Your goal is to make slow and steady progress. Use the “star” method to track your progress. A 10 Star workout means you did an extra rep or used more weight on at least ten sets during your workout. Finish the whole program in record time and you get another star.
Day #1 – Legs / Calves
- Squat* – Pyramid 5 sets x 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 / 4-6 reps
- Leg Press** or Hack Squat** 4 x 10 – 16 reps (you may want to increase 2 reps per workout here)
- Leg Extension** 3 x 12 – 15 reps
Superset #4 and #5 - Leg Curls** 3 sets x 10 – 12 reps
- Lunge or Straight Leg Dead Lift** 3 sets x 10 – 12 reps
- Superset #6 and #7 Seated Calf Raise** 5 x 10 – 12 reps and Free Standing (no weight) Calf Raises** 5 x 25 – 50 reps (OUCH!)
- (Same as 6)
That ends Day #1. There are lots of opportunities to earn “stars” in your training journal. Don’t be in a big rush to use as much weight as possible in each exercise. Try to leave each workout knowing you can improve in at least one exercise the next.
Day #2 Chest, Triceps, Calves
- 1. Bench Press (pyramid)*
- Incline DB Press (double progressive)** 3 sets x 6 – 8 reps constant weight. First session do 6 – 6 – 6 and gradually add reps and earn stars until you get to 8 – 8 – 8 then add weight and start back at 6. If you get bored adding reps, reduce rest time between sets to earn additional “stars.”
- DB Flyes** 3 x 8 – 12 reps.
- DB Pullovers** 3 x 8 – 12 reps
- Close Grip Bench Press* (pyramid) 4 x 12 / 10 / 8 / 5 – 7
- Super Set – Triceps Pushdown** and Dips** 3 x 6 – 12 reps each – constant weight no rest between exercises, rest only after both exercises have been performed.
- (Same as 6)
- Heavy Calf Raises** 4 x 8 – 12
- Light Calf Raises** or Donkeys** 4 x 15 –20 reps
DAY 3: Off
Day #4 – Shoulders / Biceps
- 1. Military Press* - Pyramid 4 sets x 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 – 8 reps
- DB or Machine Laterals** 3 x 8 – 12 reps
- DB or Cable Bent Laterals** 3 x 8 – 12 reps
- Barbell Curl* 4 x 12 / 10 / 8 / 6 – 8
- Incline DB Curl** 3 x 8 – 10
- Machine Curl or Preacher Curl** 2 x 8 – 12
Day #5 – Back
- Chins** – 4 sets up to 12 reps per set. (If you ever get to 12 reps on all 4 sets, start reducing rest periods or add weight.)
- Dead Lifts - 3 sets 10 reps (add weight each set but stay at ten reps per set) Concentrate on perfect form and add weight very gradually in 5-lb. increments each week. You can do a compound Deadlift and Shrug movement instead of regular Deadlifts if you wish to stress traps a little more.
- Bent Rows* or T-Bar Row* – 4 sets pyramid 12 / 10 / 8 / 6-8
- Reverse Grip Front Pulldowns** or 1 Arm DB Row** 3 x 8 – 12
- Straight Arm Pullovers** 3 x 10 – 12 (lie on a bench length wise – keep arms straight) 6. 10 minutes of abs