Head-to-toe physique and performance enhancement.
Distinguished by four types of carnitine, Quadracarn (pronounced "kwa-dra-carn") became a hit soon after its release, particularly with men 35 years of age and older. Regular users of this product report that it provides "head-to-toe" benefits including improvements in energy, mood, cognitive performance, sexual health, testosterone, vascularity, pumps, muscle hardness, stamina, recovery, and more.
- Performance
- Recovery
- Muscle Building & Preservation: Quadracarn promotes muscle building and recovery in part by enhancing the effects of testosterone.
- Fat Loss: During Beverly's own beta tests, men and women reported they were able to gain muscle and get leaner at the same time while taking Quadracarn on a fat-loss diet.
- Wellness
Why people like it
- Wide range of benefits: users tell us that Quadracarn enhances sex, testosterone, energy, mood, cognition, pumps, vascularity, fat loss, definition, and more.
- Unique formula: it contains 4 types of carnitine, plus Gymnema sylvestre leaf, to support healthy glucose (blood sugar) metabolism.
Who is this product ideal for?
Though Quadracarn is especially popular with men 35 years of age and older, it can be used by men and women of all ages and fitness backgrounds.
Secrets to Success
- Take 3 tablets, 3 times daily on workout days. On rest days, take 3 tablets, 2 times daily.
- Carnitine accumulates in your tissues relatively slowly. It is important to not miss a dose. You will be rewarded for your patience!
- During periods of heavy training (e.g., twice-a-day workouts), athletes may wish to stack Quadracarn with ZMA 2000 to promote recovery.
What people are saying
Mikem says: "this product really does do it all. energy, libido, recovery, strength. It's amazing. It makes me look more cut, gives me a good endurance boost, good pumps, helps with recovery, gives me a little more of a veiny look, and really helps my sense of well-being. If you're one of those people who expect massive, abrupt changes, then this is probably not for you. The results are spread out over time and cover a wide range of benefits. I love Quadracarn because it does exactly what it says it does."
Tammy C says: "I love, love, love Quadracarn. I am able to keep on a lower-carb diet, stabilize my blood sugar, and have more energy! I ran out a few weeks ago and Lord have MERCY, I could tell the difference. I was praying for the delivery man to hurry up and bring my order!! Great stuff! P.S. I keep THREE unopened bottles in the cabinet in addition to the one I am taking. NO WAY do I want to EVER run out again!!"