Roger Schei:
It’s been a while since I have emailed you but I won my weight class and overall last night in Idaho Falls Idaho for my NGA pro card. UMP and Quadracarn were huge in my diet. I stayed on my diet and drank a lot of water which kept my skin tight. Also used 2 scoops of UMP cookies and cream with 8 ounces of chocolate milk for my post workout shakes all the way up until Wednesday before the show. I know what the general feeling on milk is pre contest, but it worked great for me. I was the leanest and fullest I have ever been. Thanks for the good products. ~ Roger Schei
Cydney Gillon:
Cydney Gillon has been watching her mom and dad compete since age 6, and entered her first competition at 14. At almost 5’4” and 135lbs, she’s now 18, and a student and varsity track athlete at the University of Pennsylvania, as well as a Supernatural Bodybuilding and Fitness (SNBF) federation Pro-Figure competitor! Her association with Beverly started earlier than most. She writes, “Beverly products have been a staple in our home. Since I was so young when I started, my parents only suggested glutamine and protein shakes.” Glutamine Select, UMP, and Muscle Provider are still her favorites. Cydney credits Glutamine Select with helping her recovery and maintaining her muscle and strength during her grueling track workouts. As a student athlete, Cydney has to overcome some challenges that many of us never have to face.
On diet, “I have to rely on the food in the col-lege dining hall. Luckily, I am able to select according to my dietary needs. My primary carbs are sweet potatoes, red potatoes, brown rice and oatmeal. My vegetables are spinach and broccoli (and other salad fix-ings). For protein I primarily eat egg whites, fish, turkey and chicken. Straight forward. I don’t need variety. (However, pizza and fries are my favorite junk foods) Chocolate UMP protein shakes are taken between meals and Muscle Provider after workouts.”
I’ll continue to keep my eye on Cydney and wish her the very best in her collegiate career.
Robyn Nutter:
Robyn Nutter, a national level power lifter reports … “Our clients at the Power Shack ask me and Shawn all the time what we suggest for supplements. We always told them Beverly International. So, needless to say I was thrilled, when we were able to make it available to them. Recently, when I told one gym goer about UMP and how it tasted, she told me I sounded like a commercial! I told her that I would not drink or promote crap… because believe me I have had my fair share of nasty protein. One of our clients bought the cookies and cream UMP and I was able to be with her when she first tasted it after a workout. Her eyes got HUGE! She could not believe the taste! She even said it feels like she was cheating on her diet!”