Jo is in the 93KG class age 70-80. Jo’s Lift totals at the National Meet were:
Squat 155 kg (341.4 lbs)
Bench Press 120 kg (264.3 lbs)
Deadlift 220 kg (484.6 lbs)
Total 495 kg (1090.3 lbs)
Dear BI,
Just wanted to let you know that I have used UMP for a number of years (at least 10) as part of my training for powerlifting. I am within a month or so of my 70th birthday and I am still using UMP and competing in powerlifting meets. In June I won the USAPL national meet for my age and weight class. UMP is by far the highest quality protein I have ever tried. UMP is light years better than the first protein powder I ever used which was in 1964.
Thanks again – Jo House