I Haven’t Looked Back

I Haven’t Looked Back

Dear Sandy,

I’m Taneisha Henline and my husband, Eli has been a Beverly User for more than 15 years. He competed in three of your Northern Kentucky shows in the past and even earned a trophy at one of them. I met him while he was on vacation in my homeland Jamaica; I came for a visit; we fell in love and the rest is history.

I eventually started the bodybuilding journey myself and haven’t looked back. I’ve tried many different brands of protein powder and was discouraged because they all were distasteful. But then Eli introduced me to Beverly supplements. It’s definitely the best on the market. Finding Beverly has made my journey so much better.

Morning Cocktail: Each morning before the gym I take one scoop each of Glutamine Select, Creatine Select and Muscle Synergy along with two Lean Out and two 7-Keto MuscLean.

During my training session I am always sipping on another muscle building cocktail of one scoop each Glutamine Select, Creatine Select and Muscle Synergy mixed in 16oz or so of water.

My workout is a 5-way split: chest, back, legs, shoulders, arms, then repeat.

Here’s my meal plan:

Meal #1: 1 scoop of UMP protein powder in water
Supps: 2 Density, 2 Ultra 40, 1 Lean Out and 1 Multiple Enzymes

Meal #2: 5oz chicken burger, ¹⁄₂ cup sweet potato or Jamaican rice and peas, and 1 cup raw cabbage mix
Supps: Same as meal #1

Meal #3: 5oz ground chicken and 1cup of raw cabbage mix
Supps: Same as meal #1

Meal #4: 1 scoop of UMP protein powder
Supps: Same as meal #1

Meal #5: 5oz of salmon and 1 cup of raw cabbage mix.
Supps: Same as meal #1

Meal #6: 1 scoop of UMP protein powder
Supps: Same as meal #1

Note: I take 2 Density, 2 Ultra 40, 1 Lean Out and 1 Multiple Enzymes with every meal. I think it is the perfect stack.

Every Sunday I have a cheat meal 🙂

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